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An Empirical Study On The Pre-competition Physical Training Load Arrangement For Elite Slalom Athletes

Posted on:2022-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2507306749490114Subject:Physical Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Research purposes: Based on the pre-competition training practice of the Liaoning canoe slalom team in preparation for the 14 th National Games,to demonstrate the pre-competition physical training load arrangement and its effect for outstanding slalom athletes,aiming to enrich the special project of canoe slalom in my country Training theory and provide theoretical reference for the project training and competition practice.Research methods: Using the method of literature,field investigation,expert interviews,testing and mathematical statistics,an empirical analysis was carried out on the load arrangement of physical fitness training for 9 outstanding athletes from the Liaoning slalom team before participating in the 14 th National Games.Through an empirical study of the pre-competition physical training process,training content,training methods,load arrangements and effects,the pre-competition physical fitness training load arrangements for excellent kayak slalom teams to prepare for major competitions are summarized.Research results:(1)The pre-competition training is divided into 10 weeks in total,that is,4 weeks in the pre-competition preparation stage,4 weeks in the pre-competition strengthening stage,and 2 weeks in the pre-competition reduction stage.,the main task is to strengthen the special competitive ability of rapids athletes.(2)Pre-competition training load arrangement: In the pre-competition preparation stage,the overall load is relatively large,and the load intensity is 80%-90%;in the pre-competition strengthening stage,the training volume and training intensity are large,the pre-competition training is the largest,and the training volume is relatively high.In the preparation stage,the training intensity is increased by 5%-10%,and the training intensity is 85%-100%;in the pre-match reduction stage,the training volume is decreased by about 40%-60%,the training frequency is unchanged,and the training intensity is maintained or slightly increased,and the training volume is reduced.(3)All physical fitness indicators of canoe slalom athletes have improved to varying degrees,and their competitive performance and participation status have been greatly improved.Research conclusion: The training volume of the Liaoning Kayak slalom team in the pre-competition preparation stage of the 14 th National Games is more than80%,and the load intensity is 80%-95% RM.In the strengthening stage,the load volume is more than 90%,and the load intensity is 85%.%-100%,the load in the reduction stage is reduced to 40%-60%,and the load intensity is 85%-100%.The pre-competition training of kayak slalom events first strengthened the volume and then strengthened the intensity.The load volume and intensity reached the maximum in the seventh week of the strengthening phase,and gradually decreased from the eighth week.The training frequency in the reduction phase remained unchanged or slightly increased.Maintain some low-intensity aerobic exercise throughout the training phase,and focus on strengthening specific-related explosive power,muscular endurance,and speed capabilities.The results of the Liaoning team’s 14 th National Games and the final physical fitness test show that the Liaoning canoe slalom team’s pre-match physical training load arrangement is objective and reasonable,which can provide a certain reference for follow-up research.
Keywords/Search Tags:kayak slalom, training load, pre-competition training, weight training, physical training
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