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Research On The Construction Of Multi-support Fertility Policy System Under Low Fertility Level ——Analysis Based On Family Perspective

Posted on:2022-12-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2507306776481684Subject:Agriculture Economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since China entered a low-fertility society in 1992,the fertility rate has remained low for a long time,and the implementation of the "two-child" policy has not led to a significant increase in the fertility rate.Against this backdrop,the state’s policy orientation of optimizing fertility support has emerged,and there have been many academic discussions on fertility support and fertility policy,but most of the current research focuses on support for a single individual and not enough on the family.The family is a space for private life and a vehicle for the government to perform public functions.Starting from the family and building a multi-support fertility policy system is conducive to solving the fertility problems faced by the reproductive age population.Based on the above considerations,this study uses social support theory to construct the main analytical framework,compares the development history of China’s fertility policy and the current situation of the existing fertility policy system,and examines the fertility policy supply.On this basis,the fertility demand of fertility subjects and child-rearing families is analyzed.Finally,based on the existing fertility policy system and the fertility needs of families,the realization path of a multi-support fertility policy system is proposed.China’s fertility policy has been gradually established since the founding of the country and includes both a family planning policy and a birth control policy.From the early days of the founding of the country to the period of strict enforcement of family planning,China has achieved the goal of birth control.In the new era of the "two-child" policy and the liberalisation of fertility restrictions,although the policy has been oriented towards the goal of encouraging fertility,the total number of births and the birth rate have been declining,and at the same time,the employment rate of women as the main subjects of childbirth and care has been declining.How to improve the support measures for fertility policy and enhance the sense of well-being of the childbearing population based on the real needs of the childbearing population and families has become an important issue to be addressed.In interviews with 16 people who had already had children and one sister-in-law,it was found that within the families of all respondents,infants and children aged 0-3 were mainly cared for by the family,intergenerational support was the most important fertility support within the family,and the responsibility for childcare within the family was mainly borne by women.With the family and the woman within the family as the main subject of reproductive responsibility,the real needs of the subjects within the family are expressed in four main areas: firstly,the need for social services during child care,secondly,the financial needs during child rearing,thirdly,the time needs during child rearing,and fourthly,the personal rights and interests of the subject of child rearing.In response to these needs,this study concludes by proposing the construction of a multi-support fertility policy system based on social support theory.The system is based on the government,the market and social organisations,and includes a number of support policies covering the entire parenting cycle from "birth" to "childbirth".(2)Improving time support policies to ensure women’s career development,and formulating reasonable maternity leave policies to enable fathers to combine family responsibilities;(3)Improving public service policies to reduce the pressure of care,and sharing the pressure of family care by strengthening the construction of infrastructure and infant and child care facilities,establishing a standardised child care system,and improving maternity health services;(4)Complementing economic support policies to reduce the pressure of family parenting.(4)Complement economic support policies to reduce the pressure on families to provide care;(5)Improve the maternity insurance system and taxation policies,and increase investment in education to ease the economic pressure on families;(6)Improve the welfare of intergenerational caregivers,connect with old-age security policies,and give grandparent care allowances,childcare training and spiritual support so that the social value of intergenerational caregivers can be recognised and their scientific childcare skills developed.The family carries the functions of nurturing,retirement and economy.Starting with the family and aiming to support it,building a multi-subject,all-round,all-stage and broad-coverage multi-support fertility policy system is conducive to expanding the space for intra-family fertility decision-making,improving the childcare dilemmas of women and families and enhancing the fertility well-being of the reproductive age population.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fertility policy, Fertility support, family-friendly
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