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Research On The Social Adaptation Of The Old People In The Transitional Period Of The Old Village Residence Reconstruction

Posted on:2022-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2507306779992379Subject:Library Science and Digital Library
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the gradual improvement of China’s economic development level,urban land is increasingly tight,and it is inevitable to carry out urban transformation and renewal,for example,Guangdong province vigorously promote the“Three old” transformation,the old village renovation project is one of them.In the context of the rapid pace of demolition work,the resettlement of villagers is the primary problem to be solved.Before the houses of return are completed,villagers in all villages need to solve the problem of accommodation,the elderly will encounter more difficulties in this.Under the transformation of the old village,the living space they are familiar with has changed.Facing the new environment,they may face different degrees of difficulties in physiology,psychology and social relations,constant adjustment is required to better adapt to the new environment.However,the old village is undergoing a long period of transformation.It takes 3-5 years for the residents to sign for and move back into the houses they have moved into.Furthermore,the landlords of the nearby rental houses refuse to let the elderly move in for various reasons.In order to solve the housing problem of the elderly,developers provide transitional housing for the elderly.In order to understand the social adaptation of the elderly in the transitional period of demolition and relocation and the possible difficulties,this thesis carried out a study on the elderly residents of H Street who participated in the old village reconstruction project,by using the method of questionnaire,215 valid questionnaires were collected.Based on the analysis of the data collected,9 elderly people living in temporary housing were interviewed in depth.The social adaptation of the elderly in the transitional period of demolition and relocation was investigated from four aspects: Living Environment,life style,individual psychology and social relations,the study found that the main social adaptation problems of the elderly in the transitional period of demolition were the decline of physical function,the limited living environment,the limitation of daily activities and the breakdown of social support network.There are four factors that affect the social adaptation of the elderly in the transitional period of demolition,which are the time of resettlement,the individual’s own conditions and characteristics,the degree of care of family members and the quality of community service.Through the analysis of ecosystem theory,we build a stable social support network from four different levels: micro-system,middle-system,outer-system and macro-system to enhance the social adaptability of the elderly.In the micro-system,the supporting role of family care,the mutual assistance role of neighbors in life and the strengthening of community construction are brought into play;in the middle system,the main role of social organizations in services is brought into play,building healthy communication bridges between families and communities of older persons,working together to create an environment conducive to the adaptation of older persons,effectively helping them through the transition period of demolition and relocation,and strengthening government support in the external system,the government should play a leading role in policy adjustment,and protect the rights and interests of the elderly in the process of old village reconstruction,to promote a harmonious atmosphere of caring for and responding to the needs of the elderly in society,and to create a more conducive environment for the transformation of the old village for the elderly to adapt to society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Old People, Old village transformation, transitional period of demolition, Social adaptation
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