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An Evidence-based Study Of The Discourse Of The U.S. Government Press Conferences From The Perspective Of Critical Discourse Analysis

Posted on:2022-05-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306323950999Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Evidentiality refers to the source of information as well as the speaker’s or writer’s attitudes towards it,which was firstly studied by American anthropologist Frenze Boas.From then on,scholars have studied evidentiality extensively,which presents a tendency of focusing on strategies and functions in macro level,instead of expressions and discourse features in micro level.From critical discourse analysis perspective,this study aims to analyses evidentiality phenomenon in the White House news briefing discourse.Based on the self-built news briefing corpus,this research combines Fairclough’s three-dimension mode for critical discourse analysis and the appraisal theory in systematic functional linguistics to analyse evidentiality from three aspects.In discourse description aspect,the frequency and lexicogrammar realization of each evidential is summarized.In discourse practice explanation aspect,the interpersonal functions of evidentiality are explored based on engagement system.In discourse practice interpretation aspect,the relationship among evidentiality,ideology and power are investigated.As is founded in this study,firstly,the seven types of evidentials differ in their frequency and lexicogrammar realizations.Secondly,evidentiality can extend and contract dialogic space in news briefings discourse,thus achieving three interpersonal functions: diverting information,negotiating interpersonal relationship,enhancing government credibility.Lastly,evidentiality,ideology and power are closely related to each other,and the evidentials in news briefings discourse can construct discourse power and also naturalize ideology.This study diversifies the research of evidentiality from critical discourse analysis approach.Hopefully,it can make some references for future studies in this area.
Keywords/Search Tags:evidentiality, Critical Discourse Analysis, Appraisal Theory, the White House News briefing discourse
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