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A Biased Study Of The Trump Administration's Immigration Policy Discourse From The Perspective Of Critical Discourse Analysis

Posted on:2022-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306323951039Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Prejudice against immigrant groups is hidden in the Trump administration’s immigration policy discourse.The task of CDA is to expose the prejudice,unequal power relations and ideologies hidden in discourse.Based on Fairclough’s “three-dimensional discourse analysis”,a biased analysis of 51 pieces of remarks on the immigration policy is conducted from the dimension of text,discourse practice and social practice,which was issued by the Trump administration on the official website of the United States of America.Through the three-dimensional analysis,it is found that the Trump administration tried to construct a “useless and terrible” image of immigrants.On the textual dimension,the Trump administration expressed its prejudice against immigrants through the choice of words,the use of metaphorical rhetoric devices and the use of modal system.In the dimension of discourse practice,the Trump administration used direct discourse,direct discourse--slipping and indirect discourse to add rationality to the discourse bias of immigration policy.In the dimension of social practice,through the constructive function of discourse,it is found that the discourse bias of immigration policy has produced some negative effects on American society.Through the reflection function of discourse,it is found that factors such as American politics,economy,social culture and international relations promoted the emergence of discourse bias in the Trump administration’s immigration policy.The biased analysis of the immigration policy discourse not only enriches the research perspective of the corpus,but also provides a reference for readers to better understand the immigration policy discourse of the Trump administration.
Keywords/Search Tags:The immigration policy discourse, Critical Discourse Analysis, discourse bias, ideology, power relations
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