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Research On The Evolution Of U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy (2010-2019)

Posted on:2021-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2516306029450294Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The term "Indo Pacific" was existed as a concept of geography and geopolitics for a long time,but the meaning of which in the level of strategic system appeared in the1960-70 s,mainly promoted by Australian scholars with little influence.On January 12,2010,former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered a speech entitled "U.S.Participation in Asia-Pacific" in Hawaii,stating that the expanding cooperation with the Indian Navy in the Pacific because it understands the importance of Indo-Pacific Basin ’s role in global trade and commerce.This expression marks the first time the term "Indo Pacific" appeared in the official discourse of the United States,and has since been gradually given a strategic level of connotation,which has been paid further attention and valued from the US strategic academic and political circles.After Trump took office,especially during Trump’s visit to Asia on November 5-13,2017,the term "Indo Pacific" frequently appeared in official US documents and government officials’ speeches.On December 18,2017,the Trump Administration of the United States issued a new National Security Strategy report,in which the "Indo-Pacific Strategy" has been formally replaced by the "Asia-Pacific Rebalancing" strategy of the previous Obama Administration and became the United States.The current Asian strategy of the Trump administration.On April 2,2018,Huang Zhihan,Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs of the US State Department,informed the outside about the "Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy"(FOIPS),initially clarified the basic connotation of the "Indo-Pacific Strategy",and proposed "Freedom" includes freedom from coercion at the international level,as well as freedom of good governance,freedom and transparency of basic rights and interests and anti-corruption freedom of countries at the national level;and "openness" includes open maritime transportation lines as well as open air routes,more open logistics,more open investment and more open trade,and declared that the United States is formulating the details of the "Indo-Pacific Strategy",which shows that the United States "Indo-Pacific Strategy" has been given substantive content.In fact,the transformation of the US Asian strategy from "Asia-Pacific rebalancing" to "Indo-Pacific" is not simply an expansion of geopolitical regions,but also a response to new situations and situations that have emerged around the world in order to curb China’s further rise.This is a major strategic adjustment to weaken the influence of its major powers and stabilize the US hegemony from Asia to the whole world.From the nature point of view,the "Indo-Pacific" strategy basically inherits the gist of the predecessor "Asia-Pacific Rebalancing" strategy,which is a new round of Geo-strategies for offshore balance from the US containment and containment of China from December 2017.As China and the "Indo-Pacific" region exert more and more important economic and political influence globally.The "Indo-Pacific" strategy has become the center of gravity in the US global strategy and is dominant in many of its foreign strategies.In the face of the increasingly targeted and implementation of the US-Indo-Pacific strategy,China should seize the opportunity to actively promote extensive cooperation with India-dominated countries in South Asia and the Indian Ocean in economic and trade,environmental protection,and anti-terrorism operations.In order to achieve a dynamic balance in the US-China-India trilateral relationship and safeguard its own national security and interests.
Keywords/Search Tags:Asia-Pacific-Rebalancing, US Asian strategy Strategy, Indo-Pacific Strategy
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