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Research On The Status Quo And Relationship Between Self-efficacy And Autonomous Learning Ability In Chemistry Learning In Senior Middle Schools

Posted on:2022-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306482498254Subject:Master of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Learning self-efficacy and students’ autonomous learning abilities have always been the research hotspots of educational science.There are still relatively few studies on learners’ autonomous learning abilities in terms of affective factors,especially self-efficacy,at home and abroad,and there are only a few of them here.In the research on educational science-related topics,the main research objects are vocational students and undergraduate students.In addition,from the subject direction,it can be found that the subjects mainly include English,Chinese,biology and mathematics,and there are very few chemistry subjects.Therefore,this study selected students in the first and second grades of a senior high school in Yining City as the survey and research objects.Using questionnaire survey,classroom observation and interview methods,two surveys were conducted on chemistry learning self-efficacy and chemistry autonomous learning ability.The questionnaire is a research tool to investigate and understand the status quo of high school students’ chemical learning self-efficacy and autonomous learning ability,analyze the differences in chemistry self-efficacy and autonomous learning ability in terms of gender and grade,and explore senior high school students’ chemical learning self-efficacy and autonomous learning The correlation between the two capabilities.Through questionnaire survey method,classroom observation method and interview method,the current situation and relationship of high school students’ chemistry learning self-efficacy and autonomous learning ability are analyzed.From the data analysis summarized in the questionnaire,conclusions can be drawn:Conclusion 1: There are significant differences in the self-efficacy of high school students in terms of gender,and the self-efficacy of girls is higher.Conclusion 2: There are significant differences in the self-efficacy of high school students in grades,and the self-efficacy of the second grade is higher than that of the first grade.Conclusion 3: The autonomous learning ability of high school students is significantly different in gender,and the autonomous learning ability of girls is stronger.Conclusion 4: The autonomous learning ability of high school students is significantly different in grades,and the autonomous learning ability of high school students is higher.Conclusion 5: There is a significant correlation between high school students’ chemistry learning self-efficacy and autonomous learning ability.Through data analysis and interview,the author puts forward teaching suggestions.The main contents include:(1)Improve teachers’ professional quality and self-efficacy;(2)Set goal plans based on students ’ recent development areas;(3)Pay attention to gender differences and guide students to correct attribution;(4)Create teaching situations to help accumulate successful experience;(5)Provide role models to form alternative experiences;(6)Reasonably use appropriate praise and verbal persuasion;(7)Mobilize and cultivate Positive emotions,create a harmonious learning environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:self-efficacy, autonomous learning ability, chemistry learning, high school students
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