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Research On School-based Training Needs Of Rural Junior Middle School Teachers In County

Posted on:2022-11-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L NanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306773467614Subject:Education Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Poorer-educated teachers are the major cause which gets rural education into trouble.With the pursuit of high quality educational resources,the professional training of rural teachers is urgently needed.School-based training is an effective way to promote the professional development of rural teachers and plays an important role in improving the overall standard of rural teachers.Under the guidance of national policies,the school-based training of rural teachers has been carried out vigorously,but at the same time,it also presents some problems.Some studies have shown that the root cause of these problems lies in the lack of attention to the subject status of teachers and the absence of training needs analysis.Training needs analysis,which is the basis of school-based training,is related to the orderly development of the next training work and and defines whether the training can play an effective role or not.Therefore,it is necessary to study school-based training needs of rural teachers.Based on related theories,such as The Professional Development of Teachers,Life-long Learning,Adult Learning and OTP Model,this thesis adopted mainly documents,questionnaires and interviews to investigate current situation and training needs of school-based training to rural middle school teachers in Pinghe County,Zhangzhou City.Through investigation and analysis,this thesis discovered the problems on school-based training to teachers and put forward target suggestions that were suitable to school-based training of middle school teachers in this area,so as to improve the effectiveness of school-based training to rural middle school teachers and enhance the professional development of teachers.From the results of the research,it shows that the main problems of school-based training for rural junior high school teachers in Pinghe County,Fujian Province are: unclear purpose of teachers’ participation in training,unreasonable content setting,relatively simple training methods,insufficient training time,low training fund,inexperienced training lecturers,and unqualified assessment evaluation.To better school-based training to rural middle school teachers,according to existing problems in current school-based training of rural middle school teachers in Pinghe County,targeted suggestions were proposed by the author from three aspects: school,teachers and Education Bureau.
Keywords/Search Tags:School-based training, Training needs, Rural teachers, Teacher professional development
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