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Resource Development And Practical Research On Science History Teaching Based On Scratch In Primary School ——Take The Science Class "Look At The Moon" Published By Jiangsu Education As An Example

Posted on:2022-06-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306779479854Subject:Disciplinary teaching (Ideological)
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The 2017 edition of "Compulsory Education Primary School Science Curriculum Standards" clearly states that the purpose of primary school science curriculum is to cultivate students’ scientific literacy.The history of science is the condensing of the entire scientific development process.It contains rich scientific concepts,theories,methods and the brilliance of the human nature of scientists.It plays an important role in helping students understand the nature of science and improving scientific literacy.However,our country has little research on the content of science history in elementary science curriculum,and the teaching method of science history lacks innovation.Therefore,it is particularly important to infiltrate science history education innovatively in elementary school science courses.Scratch programming software has natural advantages such as visualization,dynamics,and virtual operation.It is a powerful tool to assist teaching.This article develops science history teaching resources based on Scratch programming software,explores the path of Scratch-based primary school science history teaching practice,and provides reference for the teaching of front-line science teachers and the development of further resources.In order to achieve the research goals,first of all,this thesis theoretically pursues the origin and development status of science history education and teaching through the literature research method,and take the new edition of the elementary school science textbook published by Jiangsu Education Publishing House as an example to analyze the content of the history of science in the text.The present status of the history of science resources.Through analysis,it is found that the new edition of the Jiangsu Educational Science Textbook for Primary Schools contains a wealth of scientific history content,but its activities are relatively single.Secondly,taking M elementary school in F city as an example,through interviews,observations and other methods,the actual situation of science history teaching in M elementary school was actually investigated,and it was found that the frequency of quoting the history of science in the classroom teaching of elementary science class in M elementary school is relatively low.The main reasons for analysis are:(1)Insufficient scientific history literacy;(2)Limited class hours;(3)Lack of high-quality teaching resources.Thirdly,in order to better integrate the history of science into elementary school science teaching,this research is supported by constructivist theory and HPS concepts,based on Scratch programming software,combined with the science history content in the elementary school science textbook published by Jiangsu Education Edition.Creatively design the content of the history of science in the lesson of "Look at the Moon" in the second unit of the second grade book,and the literacy-oriented science history teaching resources are developed and applied to the practice of science teaching in elementary schools.Practical results show that Scratch-based science history teaching allows students to learn autonomously and immersively in the footsteps of scientists,subtly improve students’ level of scientific concepts,help students establish concepts about the essence of science,and improve students’ scientific literacy.In addition,in order to give full play to the educational value of the history of science,this article proposes several strategies for applying the history of science teaching resources developed based on Scratch to teaching,and proposes suggestions from the three levels of teachers,schools and the department in charge of education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Primary school science, Teaching history of science, Scratch, Resource development, Teaching practice
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