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A Study On The Current Teaching Situation Of Music Appreciation Class In High School In Huaibei City Under The Perspective Of Core Literacy Theory

Posted on:2022-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306779485904Subject:Computer Software and Application of Computer
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
as education evolves,the era of "core literacy" has arrived in our country.the development of core literacy of students has been an important task of school teaching.Under this background,for specific teaching,the discipline core literacy was born,and the music appreciation class,as a compulsory subject at the high school level,has also condensed the core literacy of the music subject.The proposal of music subject core literacy clarifies the teaching objectives of high school music appreciation course.However,due to the disparity of education level in different places,various problems affect the teaching of music appreciation class,so that the concept of core literacy cannot be well implemented into the teaching of music appreciation class.Therefore,we need to face these problems head-on and implement the concept of core literacy into high school music teaching.This paper takes the core literacy of music as the theoretical basis and takes the high school music appreciation class in Huaibei City as the research object.Through fieldwork,questionnaires and interviews with teachers to understand the current situation of the high school music appreciation class in Huaibei City,the findings are analyzed to find out the shortcomings of the high school music appreciation class in Huaibei City in the context of core literacy,and to propose improvement measures and countermeasures for these shortcomings.The paper discusses in five main sections: the background of this paper,the purpose and significance of the study,the literature review,the content of the study and the research method;secondly,an overview of the concepts related to this paper:core literacy,music subject core literacy and high school music appreciation class;the third part is a survey of the current situation of music appreciation class in high school in Huaibei City,mainly by means of student questionnaires and music teacher interviews.In the fourth part,we reflect on the problems found in the survey and propose countermeasures,and demonstrate the teaching practice of music appreciation class with the concept of core literacy as the main teaching activity;in the last part,we conclude and propose the outlook...
Keywords/Search Tags:Core Literacy, High School, Music Appreciation Class, Status Survey
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