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Research On Coordinated Control Of Wide Area Hybrid Energy Storage Based On Distributed Model Predictive Control

Posted on:2024-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2542307115478624Subject:Control Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The increasing integration of renewable energy sources has led to challenges in maintaining frequency stability and regulation characteristics in power systems.Energy storage technologies offer bidirectional power regulation and flexible configurations,providing a solution to the limitations of traditional thermal power units in meeting the frequency regulation requirements of the power system.In this context,the utilization of hybrid energy storage types has emerged as a trend to address the diverse performance needs of large power grids,including power/energy level,response speed,life cycle,and cost considerations.However,due to geographical constraints and power grid structures,hybrid energy storage stations are connected to the power system at various locations,forming wide-area hybrid energy storage systems.Coordinating the different energy storage units and realizing their mutual cooperation is a crucial research topic in this domain.This paper focuses on the Load Frequency Control(LFC)problem in wide-area energy storage systems consisting of battery energy storage and pumped storage.We propose a collaborative control method for widearea energy storage systems based on Distributed Model Predictive Control(DMPC).The research objectives are as follows:(1)On the background of thermal power transmission in coal energy base,and constructing an LFC model for a two-region interconnected power system with hybrid energy storage units,taking into account the unique requirements of pumped storage units and geographical conditions.We introduce the frequency response process of traditional thermal power units,analyze four battery energy storage system models,and select the most suitable model for frequency regulation.Additionally,we construct the frequency regulation model for pumped storage units and develop the LFC model for the wide-area hybrid energy storage system.(2)Designing a load frequency controller using the DMPC algorithm to achieve coordinated control between hybrid energy storage units and traditional thermal power units in wide-area interconnected power systems.We validate the performance of the controller through simulations involving load fluctuations and parameter perturbations in the power system.A comparison is made with traditional PI Control and Centralized Model Predictive Control(CMPC)algorithms to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed DMPC algorithm,which exhibits superior response characteristics.(3)Addressing communication delays in wide-area hybrid energy storage systems by introducing a Delay Compensation Distributed Model Predictive Control(DC-DMPC)algorithm.By enhancing the DMPC algorithm with delay compensation techniques,we mitigate the negative impact of communication delays on frequency regulation performance.Simulation experiments conducted in MATLAB confirm the effectiveness of the proposed DC-DMPC algorithm in resolving deterioration caused by communication delays.
Keywords/Search Tags:interconnected power system, hybrid energy storage, load frequency control, distributed model predictive control, delay compensation
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