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Research On Official Porcelain Of Jingdezhen Kiln And Longquan Kiln From Yuan Dynasty To The Early Ming Dynast

Posted on:2024-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2555306926984229Subject:Cultural relics and museums
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From the Yuan Dynasty to the early Ming Dynasty,there were a class of high-specification fine artifacts with similar types and decoration methods.According to the existing archaeological materials and museum artifacts,this similarity can only be seen in the products of Jingdezhen Kiln and Longquan Kiln.Production system determines the nature of production,and the special production system of the kiln industry reflected behind it is very worthy of study.This paper mainly adopts the method of comparative research,comprehensive use of literature,Chinese and foreign museum collections handed down artifacts,archaeological relics and other aspects of the data,based on the analysis of the kiln industry system and management formfrom the Yuan Dynasty to the early Ming Dynasty,the Jingdezhen kiln and Longquan kiln of various official porcelain types and decoration methods to make a detailed comparative study,find out the horizontal similarities between the two kiln products in the same era.It can be concluded that from the Yuan Dynasty to the early Ming Dynasty,Jingdezhen Kiln and Longquan Kiln produced porcelain types according to the specific size,type and flower pattern issued,and the flow of products was controlled by the government.In the Yuan and Ming dynasties,the early Ming Dynasty was a key stage when the form of the imperial kiln changed from fuzzy to fixed.Although it still followed the household registration system and the management mode of floating beam magnetic bureau in the Yuan Dynasty,it was no longer a strong link mode requiring years of service.Along with the restoration of traditional Chinese rites,the official porcelain also showed a new look of inheritance and innovation.
Keywords/Search Tags:official porcelain, Jingdezhen Kiln, Longquan kiln
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