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Marx’s Idea Of Justice And Its Contemporary Value In The Critique Of The Gotha Programme

Posted on:2024-04-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2556306917451964Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After World War Ⅱ,the impact of global integration and large industrial civilisation made the social injustice of Western capitalist countries increasingly serious.Western Marxists tried to find a way to find the future for capitalist countries in the Critique of the Gotha Program,but this exploration lacked realistic soil and eventually turned into historical dust.China combines the "Critique of the Gotha Program" with China’s reality,explores the contemporary value of Marx’s just thought in China,and opens up Chinese modernisation.Marx’s thought of justice was established in the criticism of LaSalle’s view of justice,and Marx’s thought of justice is concentrated in the book Critique of the Gotha Program.The reason why Marx used the word "justice" cautiously is that justice is a concept of legal power and political justice in modern political discourse.This kind of justice serves a specific class and production relations.It is impossible to solve the proletariat’s demands for justice simply by changing political justice.In the Critique of Gotha Program,Marx criticised the concept of justice of the LaSalle faction and cleared Lassalle’s remarks because La Salle’s idea of justice is a concept of justice under the legal power of the bourgeoisie,which is bourgeois,abstract and hypocritical.However,Marx believed that justice,as an ideology,is historic.He saw the phased significance of justice and the fate that justice would eventually be surpassed.Therefore,the focus of Marx’s just thought is not to realise justice,but to transcend justice.Therefore,Marx’s fair conception of the future society is mainly divided into two aspects.On the one hand,it mainly expounds the significance of justice in the first stage of communist society from the perspective of formal justice,that is,the exchange of the same amount of labour.On the other hand,from the perspective of factual justice is distributed on demand,it expounds the purpose of justice being surpassed in the advanced stage of communist society.Taking Marx’s just thought as the main research object,on the basis of analysing the"Critique of the Gotha Program",starting from the dual perspective of history and reality,analysing the theory from the text part,finding deep value from practical problems,and grasping Marx’s fair thought and exploring from Marx’s criticism of La Salle’s abstract just thought.The contemporary value of Marx’s just thought in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, thought of justice, criticism of the Gotha program, contemporary values
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