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Research On The Action Strategy Of County-level Government Service Innovation Under The Background Of "Internet +

Posted on:2024-03-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S W LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2556306935962419Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Efficient county governance ensures national stability.County-level governance serves as the fundamental unit of national governance.The modernization of county-level government governance systems and capabilities is a critical component of the modernization of national governance systems and capabilities.In recent years,under the background of "streamlining administration,delegating power,and improving services" reform,"Internet+" and digital government construction,local government administrative services are increasingly facing significant innovation demands,such as promoting process reengineering,advancing digital transformation,and implementing convenience reforms.County-level government administrative services bear the critical responsibility of bridging the "last mile" of grassroots governance.Their innovative development has profound significance in effectively stimulating market vitality,promoting endogenous growth,optimizing government-market relations,and facilitating the transformation of county-level government functions and the construction of modern government governance systems.This paper examines the basic status of county-level government administrative service innovation under the "Internet+" context.Based on administrative function theory,organizational behavior,and organizational innovation theory,the study employs case study methods,observation,and interviews.The paper proposes a county-level government administrative service innovation action strategy analysis framework based on "innovation drive-innovation diffusion," analyzing endogenous motivation mechanisms,such as innovation learning-driven,organizational innovation-driven,competitive response mechanisms,organizational culture mechanisms,and public participation mechanisms.It also examines external pressure-driven mechanisms,such as innovation attention shift,innovation concept integration,external response mechanisms,and policy support systems.Based on the innovation diffusion mechanism,the paper proposes basic patterns for county-level government administrative service innovation diffusion.According to the research,the driving force of county government innovation mainly comes from innovative learning,organizational innovation,competitive response,organizational culture and public participation mechanism.At present,there are still obstacles such as "official standard,government standard and power standard" thought and path dependence of regulatory thinking.
Keywords/Search Tags:County-level government, Government administrative services, Government behavior, Innovation strategy
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