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Research On The Improvement Of Administrative Enforcement Efficiency Of Market Supervision And Management In S City Under The Background Of Comprehensive Law Enforcement Reform

Posted on:2024-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z T WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2556306938981669Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China made the construction of a government governed by law a key task of comprehensively governing the country according to law.The efficiency of administrative law enforcement is an important standard to measure the level of the country’s rule of law,and also an important factor to reflect the country’s economic and social development.Since 2021,the Market Supervision Bureau of S City has successively carried out actions such as the Year of Improving Law Enforcement Efficiency,the Year of Breaking through Law Enforcement Efficiency,and the Year of Excellent Service for Market Entities.Administrative law enforcement efficiency has been improved,but some problems still exist.Based on the perspective of public management,this article uses literature research,case study,and empirical investigation methods to deeply analyze the process of improving the efficiency of administrative law enforcement in the field of market supervision in S City.Through literature research,questionnaire surveys,and field interviews,this article elaborates on the current situation of improvement,the causes of problems,and policy recommendations.The market supervision department of S City has taken effective measures to improve the efficiency of administrative law enforcement by initiating law enforcement quality assessment,implementing talent cultivation plans,and creating a digital visual platform.On this basis,this article conducts an in-depth analysis of the current problems of the market supervision and administrative law enforcement departments in S City,such as insufficient allocation of resources for market supervision and administrative law enforcement,slow progress in the comprehensive law enforcement reform of market supervision,insignificant effect of market supervision and administrative law enforcement,and low satisfaction of the public with market supervision and administrative law enforcement.It gradually comes to the conclusion that there is a lack of market supervision and administrative law enforcement system protection,and the legal environment for market supervision is complex and changeable Factors such as insufficient comprehensive administrative law enforcement capacity in market supervision and slow construction of market supervision informatization have restricted the improvement of efficiency.Finally,combined with market failure theory,government failure theory,and holistic governance theory,four countermeasures and suggestions are proposed:first,improve the efficiency improvement mechanism of market supervision and law enforcement;Second,optimize the administrative law enforcement environment for market supervision;Third,deepen the comprehensive reform of market supervision and administrative law enforcement;The fourth is to empower "digital city supervision" internet technology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Comprehensive Law Enforcement Reform, Market Supervision and Management, Administrative Enforcement Efficiency
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