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Legal Study On The Salvage Of Unmanned Ships At Sea

Posted on:2022-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W LvFull Text:PDF
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The development of unmanned ships has been growing rapidly in recent years,and the study on the legal issues of unmanned ships in various countries has accelerated the process.It can be expected that the general form of water transportation in the future will be the coexistence of “manned ships” and “unmanned ships”.The situation of unmanned ships engaged in cargo transportation is obviously more common.Therefore,this article mainly studies the relevant legal system for salvage of unmanned ships.The existing shipwreck salvage system is a system created for conventional manned ships.Unmanned ships,as a product of future technology,will conflict with the shipwreck salvage system for manned ships.Unmanned ships have the legal status of ships,and as unmanned ships under the concept of “ships”,they have certain applicability to the ship’s maritime disaster salvage system.However,the technological development of unmanned ships has surpassed the speed of law update.This dislocation of technology and law will bring many legal difficulties for unmanned ships when applying the existing maritime disaster salvage system.How to deal with the application of unmanned ships The obstacles that may be encountered in the existing shipwreck salvage are worth studying.The full text is divided into five parts: The first part gives an overview of the legal system for unmanned ships to salvage at sea.It clarifies that unmanned ships and the marine environment are the targets of unmanned ships’ maritime disaster salvage,expounds the difference between unmanned ships and traditional ships,and analyzes the risk determination of unmanned ships in the application of the current maritime disaster salvage system.Standards,types of shipwreck salvage and legal obstacles to environmental salvage.The second part is about the dangerous judgment analysis of the salvage of unmanned ships at sea.It compares the difference between unmanned ship salvage and traditional shipwreck salvage,and analyzes the criteria for judging the danger in the salvage of unmanned ship at sea.The third part is the exploration of the types of shipwreck salvage for unmanned ships.The types of shipwreck salvage that may be used in the process of shipwreck salvage for unmanned ships are analyzed.The space in which pure salvage,contract salvage and hired salvage play a role in the context of unmanned ships are analyzed separately,and the impact of the arrival of unmanned ships on the three types of salvage is studied.The fourth part is the exploration of environmental salvage obligations for unmanned ships.The feasibility of environmental salvage obligations for unmanned ships is studied,and the establishment of a separate request for compensation for environmental salvage of unmanned ships and the coordination with other rights are analyzed.The fifth part is the perfect suggestions for the above research.Suggestions are made from three aspects: the improvement of the relevant issues of the appropriate constitutional requirements for the salvage of unmanned ships,the improvement of pure salvage and employment assistance for the salvage of unmanned ships,and the improvement of relevant legal issues for the environmental salvage of unmanned ships.
Keywords/Search Tags:Unmanned Ships, Salvage at Sea, Pure Salvage, Employed Salvage, Environmental Salvage
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