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Study On The Inner Logic,realistic Dilemma And Perfection Path Of New Rural Sages’ Participation In Rural Governance

Posted on:2024-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2556307049950879Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of marketization and urbanization,the gap between urban and rural areas in China is difficult to effectively eliminate.A large number of rural people flow into cities.The long-term one-way flow of resources causes the lack of endogenous power in rural society.Rural social development faces a series of governance problems,such as cultural fracture,governance anomie,brain drain,slow economic development,and hollowing villages,the effectiveness of rural governance is reduced,and the trend of village atomization is enhanced,only relying on the village "two committees" to govern the village can not meet the needs of the current rural society,and the countryside is in decline.In this context,the CPC Central Committee proposed the strategy of rural revitalization,improved and innovated the rural governance system,promoted the modernization of the rural governance system and governance capacity,and realized good rural governance as the core issue for governments and society at all levels.How to achieve effective rural governance and accelerate the efficient development of rural areas requires the participation of talents.In retrospect,under the background of "the imperial power does not descend on the county",the traditional rural sages have achieved effective governance of the rural society,and today’s rural sages are the "innovation" of the traditional rural sages.In retrospect,under the background of "the imperial power does not descend on the county",the traditional rural sages have achieved effective governance of the rural society,and today’s rural sages are the "innovation" of the traditional rural sages.As an elite group in the grass-roots society,new rural sages are familiar with the rural society,have prestige,ability and feelings,and are indispensable emerging forces to improve the grass-roots governance ability.Therefore,it is very important to actively promote the participation of new rural sages in rural governance,fully understand the role of new rural sages in the process of village governance,the existing problems and improve the path of the new rural sages participating in rural governance to improve the effectiveness of rural social governance.Based on the multi center governance theory,embeddedness theory,elite theory and good governance theory,this thesis selects N village in the North China Plain as the research object by using literature research,case study,comparative analysis and other methods.The study found that new rural sages has a positive role to play in improving grass-roots democratic politics,promoting the revitalization of rural industries,promoting excellent culture and helping rural governance.But at the same time,the new rural sages also face cognitive difficulties,lack of environment,insufficient number of the new rural sages and non-standard operation mechanism in the process of participating in village governance.The reason is that influenced by the trend of atomization,the prevalance of self-interest values,and some villagers’ overall quality is low,so they fail to treat the group of new rural sages correctly;the development of village economy lags behind and the cultural cohesion weakens,the interference of various internal forces hinders the process of new rural sages governance of the village;a small number of new rural sages is seriously affected by traditional ideas and small farmers’ ideas,and their own quality and ability are low,which makes it difficult to cope with various complex problems faced by village governance;the relevant systems and supporting policies of government departments are not perfect,and the behavior of new rural sages is limited.Therefore,we should carry forward the culture of rural sages and enhance the degree of social recognition;build a good environment and integrate the village’s superior resources;build a pool of rural sages and strengthen the capacity building of new rural sages;improve the system design to ensure the effective participation of new rural sages.
Keywords/Search Tags:New rural sages, Rural governance, Rural vitalization, Good governance
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