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Research On The Governance Of Sahel Terrorism From The Perspective Of Institutional Complex

Posted on:2024-06-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2556307133963229Subject:Comparative institutionalism
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With the increasing of the international system,the complexity of the international system has gradually become the focus of academic research.In recent years,Sahel terrorist activities have become frequent and their spillover effects threaten the peace and security of the international community.However,due to the relative weakness of Sahel states,no single country can take on the task of combating terrorism on its own.As a result,organizations and systems in the region have developed in a race to deal with the Sahel effects of terrorism,this has been accompanied by the proliferation,dissemination,overlap and nesting of Sahel international regimes,leading to increasing overlap in problem areas,jurisdiction and membership.The core issue of this paper is to describe the governance of Sahel terrorism as an anti-terrorist institutional complex from the perspective of the institutional complex,to explore the interaction between the Sahel institutions in the counter-terrorism regime complex,and to analyze its predicament,impact and outlet.From the perspective of institutional complex,institutional interaction can be divided into three types: cognitive interaction,normative interaction and utilitarian interaction,the cognitive interaction is discussed from three aspects: knowledge preparation,political level and information transparency,and the normative interaction is discussed from three aspects: consistency,constancy and legitimacy Utilitarian interaction is affected by cost efficiency,externality and competition.From the point of view of the measure of the effectiveness of the system complex,the paper used the degree of compliance with treaty rules,the degree of treaty-to-action transformation and the degree of problem-solving(the achievement of objectives)as criteria to measure the effectiveness of the regime complex,these three measures are in line with the process from the start of the operation of the system complex to the resolution of the problem.From the perspective of interaction results,the interaction between institutions may produce three effects: one is positive synergy,the other is negative conflict,and the third is neutral or uncertain effect.An analysis of Sahel terrorism cases found that cognitive interaction had a positive synergistic effect on the effectiveness of the institutional complex,the higher the scientific knowledge preparation,the higher the political level and the information transparency,the higher the overall cognitive level of the institution complex will be,cognitive interaction has a positive Sahel effect on the Sahel of counter-terrorism,and normative interaction has a positive synergy effect on the system,a highly consistent,long-term stable,legally effective system makes it easier to spread its own norms,to promote acceptance and compliance with other systems,and to promote the transformation of compliance into action,increasing the likelihood of achieving its objectives,it is conducive to the Sahel of counterterrorism,and the external factors of resource-sharing and support in the utilitarian interaction form the complementarities among the systems,promoting the transition from compliance to action and increasing the possibility of achieving the goals,however,the existence of obstructive externality and competition increases the compliance cost,reduces the effectiveness of counter-terrorism of the system complex,and may produce uncertainty and even negative impact of conflict.An analysis of the interaction of the three Sahel systems in the African Sahel,the counter-terrorism regime complex can coordinate the system of terrorist governance by strengthening cognitive interaction,normative interaction,and positive utilitarian interaction,form the resultant force of governance,improve the effectiveness of governance.To raise the level of knowledge from three aspects: knowledge preparation,political level and information transparency;and to make it easier for highly consistent,long-term stable and legally effective systems to spread their own norms,promoting acceptance of and compliance with other regimes and facilitating the translation of compliance into action,increasing the likelihood of achieving objectives;resourcesharing and pooling of additional resources,expanding the capacity of individual mechanisms,and the formation of complementary systems,supportive externalities will increase the benefits of other systems at this time the composition of the system complex system member countries also generally have a higher willingness to comply with the rules agreement,the standard of compliance with treaty norms often yields better results.Moreover,in view of the damage that the development of Sahel terrorism has caused to Chinese economic and political interests,China should attach importance to the spread and infiltration of Sahel’s terrorism and take the initiative to make efforts,safeguard Security and stability in the region and protect Chinese interests in the Sahel.
Keywords/Search Tags:institutional complex, Sahel, terrorist governance, institutional interaction
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