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A Study On The Influencing Factors Of Online Language Contact Among Middle-aged Urban Groups

Posted on:2024-08-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y TangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of digital and information society in China,the network has become an indispensable space and carrier for people’s production and life.Under the influence of informatization and digitalization,the online language originally used by young people to communicate in cyberspace has more and more frequently entered the daily communication of the public,becoming a "regular visitor" in mainstream media reports.The figure of online language is constantly appearing in all aspects of the daily life of the public.At the same time,China is also accelerating its entry into an aging society.The network access,network use and network enjoyment of the middle-aged and elderly are important issues that cannot be ignored.However,the current academic research on the network use behavior of the middle-aged and elderly groups mainly lies in the access level and the use level,while the research on the network language contact of the middle-aged and elderly groups is still less.This research takes the urban middle-aged group as the research object,and tries to explore the influencing factors of the network language contact of the middle-aged and elderly group.Through the research method of grounded theory and 27one-on-one interviews,this study distinguishes three groups of urban middle-aged groups in terms of online language contact: open optimists,moderate neutrals and conservative apathetics.On the basis of classification,the study obtained four key factors that affect middle-aged urban groups’ access to online language through coding interview content: habitus,field,capital and language characteristics.Among them,the main categories include seven aspects: individual habitus,family field,work field,cultural capital,social capital,language style and economic value.Combined with the research findings,this paper puts forward the countermeasures to promote the middle-aged and elderly groups to integrate into the network society from two perspectives.On the one hand,for the middle-aged and old people,they need to strengthen their subjective initiative and actively integrate into the network society from their mentality to their actions.On the other hand,for the children,they need to actively care,actively encourage and strongly support the middle-aged and elderly groups to integrate into the network society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middle aged group, online language, Aging society
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