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A Study On The Application Of Campus 5G Network Based On Technology Acceptance Model In Smart Education

Posted on:2024-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2557306941489354Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development and popularization of 5G technology,its huge potential in campus has attracted widespread attention.5G technology can provide faster network speeds and more stable connections,providing better educational resources and services for schools.It can also better meet the needs of students and teachers through smart education,improving teaching efficiency and quality.This article analyzes the importance of 5G technology in campus by conducting onsite testing of the quality of 5G networks,and explores the application scenarios of 5G technology in campus.This article reviews previous research on 5G campus applications in the education field,which can transform traditional teaching into heuristic,interactive,and personalized teaching,improving teaching effectiveness and student engagement.Therefore,this study chose to analyze the factors affecting 5G smart education,the most promising campus scene,using the Technology Acceptance Model(TAM)as the research framework,and identified seven research variables related to consumer innovation ability,social influence,perceived risk,perceived usefulness,perceived ease of use,attitude towards use,and behavioral intention,as well as eleven research hypotheses.A questionnaire survey was conducted on students at a university in Beijing,and tools such as SPSS and AMOS were used for analysis to test the hypotheses and verify the significance of the path coefficients between variables.The study analyzed the impact of these variables on college students’ use of 5G smart education applications.The research conclusion from the survey of Beijing university students shows that the perceived usefulness and ease of use of 5G smart education on campus have a positive impact on their attitudes towards use and behavioral intentions.The research conclusion provides new ideas for the development of 5G smart education in campus from the perspective of the various research variables of the TAM model.
Keywords/Search Tags:technology acceptance model, 5G campus, 5G smart education
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