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A Study On Celibate Fertility Willingness Of Child-Bearing Age Women And Its Influencing Factors

Posted on:2024-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2557307043454274Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Celibacy is the product of the process of individualization,which reflects women’s challenge to traditional gender roles and awakening of self-consciousness.The pursuit of childbearing freedom by celibate women is a challenge to the family structure of the traditional patriarchal society,as well as to the integrated social structure and mode of thinking.Social changes have given rise to new demands for the revision of legal norms,and also urgently need the supporting improvement of social security.On the basis of a large number of studies on women’s celibate fertility and childbearing willingness and other related documents,this paper conducts index design and questionnaire design combined with the procreation cost and utility theory from the perspective of sociology and economics,and conducts surveys and statistics on the individual situation,celibate fertility desire,and perception of the impact on the cost of celibate fertility of women of childbearing age from the individual,family,society and other aspects.SPSS data analysis software was used to analyze the childbearing willingness of celibacy through descriptive statistics,binary regression and cross analysis.The data analysis results show that the average number of ideal celibate-fertility children for women of childbearing age is 1.28,and there is an obvious preference for girls.The ideal time of celibate fertility is around 30-40 years old.Women of childbearing age who have higher income and grow up in one-child families are more likely to have the desire of celibate fertility.The number of ideal children of celibate fertility is affected by family support,gender preference and fertility motivation.Marriage status and reasons for no partner will have a significant impact on the gender preference of celibate-fertility children,while the ideal fertility time is mainly affected by occupation.At the current fertility cost constraint driven stage,physiological cost exceeds economic cost and becomes the most important cost factor affecting celibate fertility,which shows that celibate women pay more attention to themselves.The five factors that have the greatest impact on the willingness to be celibate are pregnancy pain(physiological cost),childcare expenses(economic cost),career development(opportunity cost),care for children(psychological cost),and care fatigue(physiological cost).The friendly society of celibacy needs the common support of legal protection,technical support,social security system and social atmosphere:first,the legal rights and interests of celibate women and their children should be clearly defined in law.Second,artificial assisted reproduction technology should be opened to celibate women and optimize management to reduce the negative effects of technology;Third,we should gradually build a universal reproductive welfare system;Fourth,we should create a pluralistic and inclusive reproductive culture in the whole society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Celibate fertility willingness, Fertility willingness, Fertility efficacy, Fertility cost
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