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Optimal Teaching Design And Empirical Research Of Hurdle Race Based On Cognitive Load Theory

Posted on:2024-06-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2557307055963709Subject:Sports teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a basic sport of athletics,hurdle running is an important learning content of athletics courses for students in sports colleges.The hurdle running technique is more complicated,the amount of information contained between the technical links is too much,the traditional teaching is too teacher-centered,and there is a lack of consideration for students’ cognitive acceptance ability,resulting in students’ reduced enthusiasm for learning in the face of complex learning tasks,and the teaching effect is ineffective.Therefore,from the perspective of cognitive psychology,this paper focuses on the cognitive load generated by students’ learning process,introduces cognitive load theory into hurdle running for optimal teaching design,and discusses the impact of the implementation of optimal teaching design under cognitive load theory on the learning of hurdle running technology,in order to improve the teaching effect of hurdle running,and provide a new theoretical reference and practical basis for the teaching of hurdle running technology.This paper uses literature method,questionnaire survey method,expert interview method,teaching experiment method,mathematical statistics method and other research methods,selects 40 male students of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education 2021 physical education table tennis special as experimental subjects,randomly divided into experimental group and control group 20 people,the experimental group adopts optimized teaching design for teaching,the control group adopts traditional teaching,conducts teaching experiments of 6weeks and 12 classes,and statistically analyzes the measured experimental data.The influence of teaching based on cognitive load theory compared with traditional teaching on the learning of hurdle running techniques of physical education students was discussed.Research results:(1)In terms of physical fitness,the physical fitness test results of the experimental group and the control group were improved compared with before the experiment,but the test results of the relevant physical fitness indicators of speed and lower limb explosiveness of the experimental group were significantly improved(P<0.05).(2)In terms of technical evaluation,standard attainment and theoretical achievement,the hurdling technical evaluation,standard attainment and theoretical results of the experimental group after the experiment were significantly better than those of the control group(P<0.05).(3)In terms of exercise motivation,the total score of motivation score of participating in hurdling exercise in the experimental group after the experiment was significantly higher than that of the control group(P<0.05),and the score of participation tendency in the experimental group was higher than that of the control group,and the score of avoidance tendency was significantly lower than that of the control group(P<0.05).(4)In terms of cognitive load,the scores of psychological effort self-evaluation and self-evaluation of learning material difficulty in the experimental group after the experiment were significantly lower than those of the control group(P<0.05).Conclusions:(1)The implementation of optimized teaching design based on cognitive load theory is more conducive to improving the key physical fitness necessary for hurdle running than traditional teaching.(2)Compared with traditional teaching,the implementation of optimized teaching design based on cognitive load theory can more effectively promote the improvement of students’ hurdle running performance,the mastery of technology and the deepening of theoretical knowledge,and the deepening of theoretical knowledge can further standardize technical actions and improve learning effects.(3)Compared with traditional teaching,the implementation of optimized teaching design based on cognitive load theory can better stimulate students’ motivation for sports participation,enhance students’ enthusiasm for learning,increase learning internal drive,and improve the effect of learning and training.(4)The implementation of optimal teaching design based on cognitive load theory can optimize the organization of learning materials,reduce students’ cognitive load in the learning process,enhance learning enthusiasm and self-confidence,and enable students to acquire motor skills with the best psychological effort.
Keywords/Search Tags:cognitive load theory, Physical education teaching design, Teaching strategies, the hurdles
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