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A Study On The Design Of Teaching Large Units Of Information Technology In Junior High School Based On Subject Core Literacy

Posted on:2024-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
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In order to adapt to the rapid development of the information society and the changing needs of talents,China has increasingly emphasized the importance of curriculum reform.The Ministry of Education has issued the "Opinions on Deepening Curriculum Reform and Implementing the Fundamental Task of Educating People with Virtue",making the cultivation of core literacy a top priority in today’s education and the overall goal of "educating people with virtue".All disciplines have carried out core literacy training one after another.However,there are still many problems in the way of teaching IT in primary and secondary schools,and this time,large unit teaching as a new teaching mode is gradually being paid attention to and respected by educators.By integrating teaching contents and designing teaching as a whole,the fragmented knowledge is formed into a more complete knowledge system,which helps students cultivate core literacy,develop thinking and inquiring ability in the process of problem solving and cultivate social responsibility awareness.Based on this,the problem of this study is how to efficiently combine large-unit teaching with core literacy in IT subjects according to the requirements of the new curriculum,so as to design a reasonable large-unit teaching design for teaching practice and thus improve students’ learning effect and core literacy.This study firstly,after detailed literature reading and in-depth analysis of the research status of core literacy,large-unit teaching and the combination of core literacy and large-unit teaching in IT subjects at home and abroad,establishes the core concepts and systematically summarizes and summarizes the relevant achievements of large-unit teaching design at home and abroad.Secondly,under the guidance of student development theory,mastery teaching theory,constructivism and activity theory,the basic process of large-unit teaching based on the core literacy of IT subjects is designed based on the existing experience and the characteristics of core literacy of IT subjects.Then,according to the curriculum standards,textbook requirements and students’ learning conditions,we integrated the "Into Artificial Intelligence" section of the junior high school textbook and designed the teaching plan.The students’ IT core literacy development was assessed through various evaluation methods,including classroom performance and post-unit test questions.Student interviews were conducted to verify the effectiveness of large-unit instruction in developing core literacy in junior high school IT courses.Finally,the study is summarized in a reflection and outlook.By summarizing and analyzing the study data,the following conclusions were drawn: the subject knowledge scores of the experimental and control classes improved from 65.44 and 65.64 to 75.80 and 65.64,respectively,and the core literacy of IT subjects were verified by t-test,including significant differences in information awareness,computational thinking,digital learning and innovative social information and responsibility.Based on this to make the outlook of this study,the first is to optimize the framework of large-unit teaching design,the second is to optimize the assessment of information literacy core literacy,and the last is to do the integration of large-unit teaching with other teaching methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information Technology Subject Core Literacy, Large Unit Instructional Design, Artificial Intelligence
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