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Research On The Teaching Design Of Trigonometric Function Concepts Based On Mathematical Multivariate Representation Theor

Posted on:2023-05-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2567306833960089Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the improvement and development of mathematical multiple representation theory,the teaching mode based on mathematical multiple representation has not only been paid attention to in international mathematics education,but also applied to the practice of mathematics education by more and more researchers in China.However,the teaching mode of mathematical multiple representation is not applicable to any mathematical content.Therefore,appropriate mathematical content is selected for effective teaching design,It is of great research value to verify the teaching effect through teaching experiments.Many studies have shown that students have more or less difficulties or doubts in learning trigonometric function.The reason is that a large number of students do not understand the concept of trigonometric function fundamentally.Therefore,this paper will start from these two aspects to explore the teaching design and implementation of trigonometric function concept based on mathematical multivariate representation theory,hoping to provide some experience and ideas for the practical teaching of trigonometric function concept.This paper adopts the research mode of the combination of theoretical application and practical research.In terms of theoretical application,firstly,it summarizes the relevant research of mathematical multivariate representation theory and trigonometric function concept teaching,defines the relevant concepts,and determines the theoretical basis of this paper.Secondly,formulate the teaching strategies and objectives of the concept of trigonometric function from the perspective of mathematical multivariate representation theory,and design the teaching of the concept of trigonometric function based on mathematical multivariate representation theory.Finally,questionnaires and test questions are designed to test students’ cognitive load,the level of mathematical multiple representation and knowledge construction,as well as the transformation between mathematical multiple representation and problem-solving ability.In terms of practical research,the experimental model of single factor and other group pre-test and post test design is adopted to apply the teaching design from the perspective of mathematical multiple representation theory to practical teaching.Through the comparative experimental results,it is found that compared with the conventional teaching model,the teaching based on the concept of trigonometric function of mathematical multiple representation theory can effectively reduce students’ cognitive load and improve students’ level of mathematical multiple representation and knowledge construction,Promote the transformation between students’ mathematical multiple representations and flexibly solve relevant mathematical problems.Therefore,based on the practical teaching,the teaching suggestions are given:(1)pay attention to the diversified representation of mathematical concepts in mathematics teaching;(2)Pay attention to the combination of information technology and mathematical multi representation;(3)Pay attention to the hierarchical progression of multiple representations of mathematical concepts.
Keywords/Search Tags:mathematical multivariate representation theory, the concept of trigonometric function, instructional design, cognitive load, mathematical representation ability
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