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Research On The Visual Positioning Method Of Galvanometer Laser Processing Based On Coaxial Camera

Posted on:2023-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2568307022497584Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the wide application of laser processing technology in various industries,the laser galvanometer processing system stands out among many laser processing equipment due to its advantages of high speed,high efficiency,and high precision.In order to further improve the automation and processing accuracy of the equipment,a coaxial vision system with highprecision imaging capability is introduced to provide precise visual positioning assistance for processing work.However,limited by the small field of view of the coaxial camera,it is difficult to locate large-sized workpieces.At the same time,the centrifugal imaging distortion and various system errors that are common in the coaxial vision system will seriously affect the positioning and processing accuracy.This article aims to use machine vision technology,laser galvanometer processing control technology and other techniques to carry out in-depth research on the high-precision visual positioning in a large field based on the coaxial galvanometer processing system.The main contents are as follows:(1)A coaxial vision laser galvanometer processing hardware system was designed and built with the system errors analyzed and a supporting practical software platform framework was designed to lay a solid foundation for the follow-up work.(2)Aiming at the problem of image distortion in a large field of the coaxial camera with the galvanometer processing system,a "two-step method" local imaging positioning correction method is proposed based on the analysis of the existing calibration methods and recognition algorithms.It is further extended to the whole field of the processing platform,and a wide-field coaxial camera imaging correction method based on machine vision is proposed.(3)Aiming at different situations with specific marking points and without specific marking points,the positioning correction algorithms of "two-point method" and "multiregion joint positioning method" are proposed,which make full use of the flexibility of the galvanometer and the coaxial vision system.The adaptability and versatility of the system are both enhanced while the positioning accuracy is improved.(4)A practical software control system was designed and developed for the coaxial vision laser galvanometer processing system.The calibration efficacy and positioning accuracy were also tested with experiments.
Keywords/Search Tags:Laser processing, Machine vision, Coaxial camera, Imaging correction
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