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Design And Implementation Of Data Synchronization System Based On Binlog

Posted on:2023-10-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2568307022497804Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,with the rapid development of the Internet industry,computer system services have evolved from the original single service mechanism to today’s multi-cluster,micro-service architecture.In the actual business requirements development process,the data storage medium used by Internet services is not only My SQL database,but also No SQL database as a better solution in some more complex scenarios.However,the business side needs to pay extra attention to the data synchronization operation while writing the requirements,which wastes labor costs and delays the online time of the requirements.In order to cope with the above-mentioned problems,a data synchronization system based on database incremental log(Binlog)was designed and implemented according to business pain points.The Binlog file is a physical file that comes with the database,and the impact of reading the Binlog file on the database is negligible.The data synchronization system obtains database change records by parsing Binlog log files,and uses middleware such as message queues to isolate the production side and the consumption side to achieve the purpose of decoupling each module.Since the consumer side needs to access a variety of storage media,in the specific implementation process,the consumer side uses an adapter and a domain-driven design model to complete the perfect compatibility with the storage media.The business side can deploy the data synchronization solution through simple configuration on the data synchronization platform.At the same time,the platform provides some basic screening and retrieval services,so that the business side can refer to the existing deployment plan to determine the configuration that meets its own business needs.In order to effectively monitor the synchronization efficiency of the data synchronization system,the data synchronization platform has a built-in performance monitoring interface.The administrator can view the execution details of the synchronization task and the network delay of each process,and issue early warning messages in time for abnormal situations.After the system function and performance test,the entire system runs smoothly,and all the processes of each interface work normally,completing the entire supply and demand process of the data synchronization system.The platform realizes data synchronization between different storage media,and uses coding techniques such as design patterns to make the system easy to maintain and expand in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Data synchronization, Incremental log, Data storage, Design Patterns
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