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University News Information Integrated Display System Design And Implementation

Posted on:2023-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2568307022997819Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
National policies,government documents,practices of sister colleges and universities,as well as articles and evaluation results of mainstream media are all information that colleges and universities attach great importance to,and are an important basis for colleges and universities to monitor the social environment,grasp the overall situation and make scientific decisions.However,the sources of these contents are complex,and the collection and sorting process requires a lot of time and labor costs.At the same time,after investigating the college news information systems on the market,it was found that they all collected information such as admissions application policies,employment information and campus dynamics,and lacked a system that focused on the above-mentioned college-related news information.In response to the above problems,a college news information integrated display system is designed and implemented to assist colleges and universities to quickly obtain the news content they need,and related algorithms of semantic search are introduced to help them further accurately locate information.The main research contents are as follows:First,the technologies that need to be used in the design and implementation of the system are deeply studied,mainly including the Scrapy framework used to implement crawlers,the related algorithms used to implement semantic search,and the Vue and Spring Boot frameworks used to implement the front and back ends of the system..Next,from the perspective of the system administrator,I analyzed that the system should have background management functions,and then from the perspective of ordinary users of the system,I analyzed that the system should have functions such as hot news push,news classification display,topic search,and news download.Then,the non-functional requirements of the system are analyzed from the perspective of technicians.Then the overall architecture of the system is first designed according to the above requirements,and then the detailed design of each functional module and database of the system is given in combination with the flow chart and sequence diagram.Finally,according to the system design,each functional module is implemented,and each functional module and performance of the system are tested.The university news information integrated display system uses the crawler technology to collect the news content of 57 websites,and adds about 200 pieces of news data every day through the regular crawler.The system sorts and sorts news according to different source websites,and combines with the relevant algorithms of semantic search to further help colleges and universities to accurately locate the required information,which solves the problem of consuming a lot of time and labor costs in the process of collecting and sorting out the content from these sources.It realizes the purpose that colleges and universities can quickly obtain various news information related to colleges and universities through only one system.
Keywords/Search Tags:College News, Web Crawler, Semantic Search, Information Integration
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