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Design And Implementation Of A Web-based Medical Imaging Research Platform

Posted on:2023-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B S LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2568307022998059Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rapid development of computer technology has promoted the progress of medical imaging field,and its importance has been strengthened with the deepening of hospital informatization,but the traditional medical image processing and visualization are limited by the professional workstation hardware and client software,resulting in inflexible application scenarios.With the development of artificial intelligence technology,the research of medical imaging based on artificial intelligence is also getting deeper,but the low scalability of traditional medical imaging software limits the integration of relevant algorithms.In recent years,the continuous development of Web technology and the proposal of Saa S(Software as a Service)have provided a new form of software delivery,which is not mature enough for any medical imaging software.Based on this background,a Web-based medical imaging research platform is proposed and implemented to provide a solution for cloud-based management and online visualization of medical image files.The platform is a Saa S system with B/S architecture,and is developed in the form of front and back-end separation.The front-end adopts MVVM architecture based on two-way binding,and the back-end adopts a combination of microservice architecture and MVC architecture,using API gateway to centralize the management of microservices,so that the platform has good scalability and maintainability.The platform is divided into three systems: data management system,visualization system and open system.The data management system is the foundation of other systems,providing integrated storage,parsing and retrieval of DICOM(Digital Imaging and Communication Standard)files,and storing header information and image information in My SQL and object storage system respectively;the visualization system implements the core functions of medical imaging client software in Web environment,including film reading and 3D rendering;the open system integrates permission management and The open system integrates permission management and microservice management to facilitate the access of AI-related algorithms of third-party developers,which can enrich the ecology of the platform while empowering them.The data management system and visualization system provide the core functions of the platform,and the open system provides the scalability of the platform,which is also the value of the platform for scientific research.The Web-based medical imaging research platform facilitates the research work of doctors and researchers,and has been initially applied in many hospitals at this stage,and also successfully accessed the AI medical diagnosis system of related research teams,and the scalability has been practically applied.
Keywords/Search Tags:Medical Image, 3D Rendering, Microservices, Open Platform, Saa S
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