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The Relationship Between Perceived Interactivity And Purchase Intention Of Tourism Products Under Tourism Live Streaming

Posted on:2022-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2569306326975919Subject:Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Travel live streaming has the advantages of real-time interactivity and virtual presence,which makes up for the lack of one-way information output of graphic strategies and short travel videos in the past.Drawing on stimulus-organism-response theory,this study extends the existing literature on the underlying mechanism of perceived interactivity from the perspective of self-image congruity between tourism broadcasters and consumers.Specifically,this study explores the effects of perceived interactivity on purchase intention by addressing the intermediary role of social presence(SP)and virtual social capital(VSC)and the moderating role of self-image congruity(SC)between tourism broadcasters and consumers.With 323 valid questionnaires,this study finds that VSC partially mediates the positive effect of perceived interactivity on purchase intention,SP and VSC intermediates the positive effect of perceived interactivity on purchase intention,whereas the mediating role of SP isn’t established.Furthermore,this study suggest that self-image congruity moderates the effect of perceived interactivity on SP and VSC,such that the relationships are stronger when SC between tourism broadcasters and consumers is high rather than low.Theoretically,this study makes a valuable addition to the research on the outcome variables of social presence,broadens the research boundary of self-congruence,and makes up for the previous research gap about selfcongruence in tourism,which only concerned with the self-congruence between tourist destination image and tourist image.Practically,some meaningful enlightenments are proposed to the tourism enterprises using live streaming.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tourism Live Streaming, Perceived Interactivity, Self-Congruence, Social Presence, Virtual Social Capital, Purchase Intention of Tourism Products
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