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Reserch On Marx’s Labor Thought And Its Time Value

Posted on:2024-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X G WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2569307064472744Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
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In this digital economy era,new problems and situations are emerging,such as the development of the digital economy,the emergence of new forms of labor such as management,digital and service,and the development of labor education,which has caused certain confusion and confusion in people’s thinking.It is precisely because labor is of great significance to human beings and human society.Labor creates material and spiritual wealth,is the foundation for the survival and development of human society,and the only means for people to maintain their own survival and self-development.Therefore,we must deeply understand Marx’s labor thought,as a powerful theoretical source of labor thought in the new era,understand the connotation of labor,and appreciate Marx’s belief that labor is the first necessity of life.Only labor can promote the development of productive forces,the liberation of human thought,unite with the proletariat to overthrow the rule of the bourgeoisie,achieve the liberation of the proletariat and the liberation of all mankind,achieve the free and comprehensive development of human beings,and establish a communist society.It can be seen that the study of Marx’s labor thought has both theoretical significance and practical value.The full text is divided into four parts: The first part is an introduction,which introduces the background and significance of this study.At the same time,it provides a detailed review of the research results of domestic and foreign scholars,serving as an important clue and theoretical reference for this study.The second part introduces the historical background and theoretical sources of Marx’s labor thought.Western European countries have established the capitalist mode of production,and the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie has become the main social contradiction.The proletariat,as an independent class,has emerged on the historical stage.It is in this historical context that Marx deeply examined the labor of capitalist society and formed a scientific labor ideology.German ancient philosophy and classical political economy are the main theoretical sources of Marx’s labor thought.The third part systematically expounds the main contents of Marx’s labor thought,including the nature of labor,the value and significance of labor,labor axiology,labor liberation thought and alienation labor thought.Thus,Marx proposed that labor is a means to achieve human free development,as well as a means to achieve the liberation of the proletariat and the liberation of all humanity.The fourth part elaborates on the contemporary value of Marx’s labor thought in both theoretical and practical aspects.Based on the social reality of our country and the new problems and characteristics of labor,we must correctly apply Marxist labor thought,guide the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era in theory and practice,and strive to win new victories in comprehensively building a modern socialist country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Labor, Labor value, Labor liberation
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