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Research On Optimization Of Salary Incentive Program For Technical Employees In HR Pharmaceutical Compan

Posted on:2024-09-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Q DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2569307130965139Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The introduction of various policies in the pharmaceutical industry of traditional Chinese medicine has prompted the question of how to maximize the capabilities of technical personnel in pharmaceutical companies,capitalize on their potential,devise a variety of incentives tailored to the business,motivate all personnel to engage in technological progress and advancement,and facilitate enterprises to reach superior levels of growth.The optimization of many pharmaceutical enterprises of traditional Chinese medicine’s development process necessitates a management system that has evolved.Remuneration is one of the important costs that enterprises pay to provide products or services for consumers,and is an important part of employee labor remuneration.A reasonable compensation incentive scheme can help companies to more clearly position,measure and evaluate the value of human capital,and make enterprises more likely to seize opportunities and solve problems that they may face in the process of human resources management during the high-speed period of economic development.This paper,with HR company as the research object,examines the current and existing issues concerning the salary incentive of technical employees.It begins by examining the research background,purpose and importance,the fundamental theory of salary incentive,and the scope of the company’s technical personnel.Subsequently,the relevant theories of salary incentive are utilized to create a questionnaire.The paper,after a thorough examination of the survey results,presents a comprehensive analysis of the current and existing issues surrounding the salary incentive of HR company’s employees.It is expected to help HR company achieve its development goals and complete the optimization and upgrading of the enterprise,and also provide reference for the optimization of other pharmaceutical enterprises’ salary incentive plans.
Keywords/Search Tags:HR Pharmaceutical Company, Salary incentive, Technical staff
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