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The Influence Of Online Reviews On Users’ Travel Intention

Posted on:2024-05-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q H YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2569307142984709Subject:Tourism management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The continuous development of online communities has created many network Spaces for users to gather and discuss.Since its launch,Douyin has quickly gained market share and become the top mobile social software in China.Douyin users interact with other users by viewing videos and commenting.With the expansion of the culture and tourist industries,local scenic locations are using internet marketing to boost the popularity of scenic spots on social media.Among them,a certain position is Douyin,where scenic spots publish scenic spots content to attract the attention of potential users.As an important part of Douyin,online comments have a significant impact on users’ travel intentions.On this basis,this paper discusses the characteristics of online comments in Douyin community,and the mechanism of how their characteristics affect the formation of users’ travel intention.This essay is key to research the influence between the Douyin online reviews and users’ tourism intention.Firstly,the dimension of online reviews is separated into three components,tie strength,credibility and reviews quality,from the perspective of comment receiver,comment sender and comment content.Secondly,given perceived usefulness and attitude,a theoretical model of the influence of online reviews on tourists’ travel intention is created,and attitude as the mediator.And the research hypothesis is proposed.Thirdly,give out the questionnaire,collect the data and analysis the sample data,after the questionnaire are wrote by subjects.SPSS 25 is used to conduct descriptive statistics,reliability and validity test,correlation analysis and linear regression analysis of the sample data,and Bootstrap was used to mediation effect test.After the empirical analysis,this essay draws conclusion.The results show that:tie strength has no positive significant effect on perceived usefulness,credibility has a positive significant effect on perceived usefulness,and reviews quality has significant effect on perceived usefulness.Attitude plays a partial mediator between perceived usefulness and travel intention.As a consequence,management recommendations are made from the perspectives of tourist businesses,users and online platforms,so as to jointly maintain online communities,create marketing platforms for each in their proper place,and ensure information exchange among all of them.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online reviews, Perceived usefulness, Attitude, Tourism intention, Douyin
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