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Research On Consumers’ Preference For Anthropomorphic Brand Roles Under The Influence Of Social Exclusion

Posted on:2024-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F P ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2569307148964919Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the number of social media users continues to grow,marketers also see the potential business opportunities and begin to communicate business or product related information to users on social media.Text,picture and video are the three most common ways of information transmission.Compared with the other two ways,the authenticity,vividness and interactivity of video make video marketing bring better results.In the existing research on content marketing,researchers pay more attention to the impact of user generated content,and there are few researches on the content generated by marketers and video marketing content.Based on the content generated by marketers,this study studies the impact of video marketing content characteristics on product sales and consumers’ purchase intentions.In the first study,referring to previous research on content marketing,video content is divided into informational content and emotional content,and data of different types of video content factors are obtained by content analysis and factor analysis.The impact of different types of video content on product sales is explored by building an econometric model.The research results show that both informational content and emotional content will have an impact on product sales.The basic information of products in informational content and the interactive information in emotional content will positively affect product sales,while the after-sales related information of products in informational content will negatively affect product sales.The second study is to explore the internal mechanism of video content characteristics affecting product sales based on the first study.According to the theory of consumer emotion,through behavioral experiments,the important role of consumer emotion between video content characteristics and consumers’ purchase intention is studied.In the inter subject experiment,information content and emotional content are measured by perceived informativeness and perceived emotionality.According to the PAD model,pleasant emotion and arousal emotion are used as intermediary variables to study consumers’ purchase intention.At the same time,this study also considers the regulatory role of product involvement between video content and consumption emotion.The empirical results show that the perceived informativeness and perceived emotionality of video content will affect consumers’ purchase intentions by influencing consumer emotions.Compared with perceived informativeness,perceived emotionality can more effectively stimulate consumers to generate and evoke happy emotions,and product involvement can positively regulate perceived informativeness and consumers’ happy emotions.In the sense of research,this research is not only an expansion of user generated content,but also a supplement to the existing research on short video content of social media in the content generated by marketers.The research results also confirm the important impact of video content on product sales and consumer purchase.In a practical sense,for marketers,user generated content is mostly generated spontaneously by users,which has an important impact on product sales,but user generated content is uncontrollable;This research starts from the content generated by marketers,and our research results also provide some practical suggestions for marketers to publish product marketing related videos in social media.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marketer generated content, Social media marketing, Video content marketing, Consumer sentiment, Purchase intention
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