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Structural Characteristics And Structural Evolution Of Lianyungang-Suzhou Section

Posted on:2011-09-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ShiFull Text:PDF
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Lower Yangtze area is one of the distribution of marine carbonate regions in south China,and also one of the oil and gas prospects regions in east China. Since the sinian experienced early palaeozoic epicontinental sea basin, D3-T1 epicontinental sea basin, T2-J2 foreland basin,J3-K1 strike-slip (pull-apart) basin and K2-E rift-depression basin.Based on seismic, gravity, magnetic, electrical geophysical information and field measured geologic sections, drilling information, got geological - geophysical interpretation of Lianyungang - Suzhou section. According to the regional tectonic evolution ,the dynamic mechanism and combination of our predecessors on the Lower Yangtze area of research, analysis of the section of the major structural features, deformation mechanism and the typical structural styles.There are two opposite direction thrust thrust-nappe systems in the section. The intensity of deformation of the section can be seen from the north and south sides gradually weakened toward the middle, to the central Taizhou - Anfeng appearance ramp tectonic framework.There are compression tectonic style, extensional tectonic style, negative inversion tectonic style in Lianyungang - Suzhou section. Compressed tectonic styles including of imbricate structure, reverse thrust combination. Extensional tectonic styles including sliding step, tilted fault block etc. Reverse tectonic style is basically negative reverse structures .Jiangsu lower Yangtze area can be divided into Hongze-GaoYou block, binhai-Dafeng block,Jurong-Haian block, and block yixing - changshu block from geological structure solution. Jurong– Haian block is the first choice for marine oil and gas exploration blocks in Lower Yangtze Region.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lower Yangtze, thrust-nappe, ramp, tectonic framework, structural evolution, geological and geophysical interpretation, tectonic style
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