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Tinnitus Study With Positron Emission Tomography, Animal Behavioural Model And Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

Posted on:2002-11-27Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H T WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective TO maP the tindtus specific central activity andfOci site in brain, as well to investigate the effects of hearing loss, tinintus side,and dexterity Methods Cerebral metabolic rate for glucose (CMRg1) was stUdiedwith positron emission topograPhy (PET) using '8F-FDG as radiotracer. Seventeenpatieflts with severe tiwhtus and fifteen control subects pediciPated in this studyAl1 subects were divided into four grouPs according to their hearing leve1s. Therewere l3 titritus patiellts with hearing loss in GrouP one, 4 tiedtus patientswithOut hearing loss in GrouP tWo, 2 control subects with hearing loss in GrouPthIee and l3 contrOl subects without hearing loss in GrouP fOur Statisticalparameters maPping (SPM) was used to analyZe the PET data and to determinethe BrodInan area (BA) according to Talairach coordinate system. ResultsIncreased CMRgl by tinnitus occurred predominately in the left hemsphere withsighficant foci in the transverse temporal gmps(BA4l), suPerior temPoralggns(BA42,22), anterior middle temPoral gmps(BA38) and hiPpocamPus.Bilateral CMRgl decrease caused by hearing loss were located at the posteriorsuperior temPoral gyrUs (BA42, 22), medial portion of middle temPoral gyrUs(BA2l), combined auditory area (BA39). Left middle frontal ggns (BA8, 9) andleft inferior frontal gyrUs (BA45) were as well associated with hearing loss.Conclusion As a new research too1, PET has provided an objective evidence fortiamius and aPproach for measuring titritus. Tiwhtus-related brain areas andtheir influence factors were discussed in the paPer.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tinnitus, Positron emission topography (PET), Brain, Auditory cortex, Glucose metabolism
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