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Research On The Construction Of Learning Class In Higher Vocational Colleges

Posted on:2016-04-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1107330488497656Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the transformation of industrial society to a knowledge economy and society, the community of a higher quality of personnel training requirements, industrial society is a quantity and quality and efficiency of the society, and the knowledge economy and society based on knowledge, intelligence and innovation and efficiency of age, knowledge replace capital and labor become the most important source of economic growth in the financial resources, the escalation of the industrial structure from labor-intensive and capital-intensive to knowledge-intensive, this trend will inevitably bring to the workers’ knowledge, ability and quality requirements higher and higher. The 21st century’ talented person should be "learning type of person" who is a systems thinking, personal mastery, improving mental models, organizational learning and other skills in one and to people in efforts to develop a common vision, they are not only learning as human nature, but also seen as a source of the meaning of life and the pursuit of "learning-oriented people," and people learning and development, we need a "learning organization." Vocational Institute for the development of a student in terms of, we need a learning classes.The Class of Vocational education is the most basic level of organization and units for class hospital, teaching, management and service. It is an important carrier to carry out ideological and political education, and has a powerful educational force. With the development of information technology and the market economy, the space-time individual class consciousness, communication methods, learning styles, language and ways of thinking have emerged changes, subject Bachelors Class Management-students also undergone significant changes. Traditional classroom management model has not suited to economic and social development and personnel training requirements, the construction of the new class has become an important issue and realistic reform of vocational education at the micro level are currently facing. From a development perspective,any theory will need to absorb the research results of other theories,to overcome the limits of its own. Theory and Practice of the Learning Organization,although from the enterprise management,is a new theory in the field of management strongly advocated, but its core values reflected in its educational precisely because of globalization and universities and companies to share information era background,age requirements for business professionals and requirements for Vocational Training School graduates have many similarities, learning concept learning organization theory proposed management philosophy, values and development concepts fit a learning class construction needs,learning classes thus become a model for future construction and orientation classes.This study in a learning theory for understanding, analysis and exploration of the framework to build a learning class Vocational Institute for the study to reflect on-built as a basic method, the integrated use of survey interviews, induction and deduction,reflection Construction and cross Specific methods disciplinary research to investigate the theoretical basis of the construction of the learning classes, contact the release of the implication of Higher Learning Academy class theory, analyzes the necessity of Higher Learning class hospital building, motivation and conditions, focuses on high Vocational-class dilemma facing the construction of Learning, explores the basic idea to build a learning Vocational School class construction system. Although learning organization theory is a new theory in the field of management strongly advocated, but it is a manifestation of the core values in its educational, learning Class Construction enrich the theory and practice of the learning organization, to meet the learning social development needs;vocational education and socio-economic development is most closely linked is one level of education, culture oriented social production, construction, service and management line of high-skill, applied talents, Vocational Institute is widely used school-enterprise cooperation model,combining engineering talent cultivation practice is rooted in class learning organization theory provides a fertile ground for building;due to the far-reaching impact of traditional classroom management inertia forces,faces a learning class system, cognitive, institutional, management, many cultural barriers and evaluation. Based on this situation, this paper based on the actual construction of the Vocational School class, learn from type theory, from many aspects of values,class culture, organizational learning mode, skills, security mechanism, the price system, and to build a learning system for a class a more comprehensive and systematic exploration Research shows that traditional classes adapted to the needs of the era of industrial civilization, culture standardization, scale talent, and now with the arrival of the era of knowledge civilization, values the traditional class has been far can not meet the requirements of social development, and a learning society and the learning theory organizational theory is accompanied by the development of the information society and knowledge economy era put forward, they are relying on the theoretical basis of the learning and class construction. Learning Society is composed of numerous small and large constitute a learning organization, and is a branch of the learning class learning organization, learning Class Construction enrich the theory and practice of the learning organization, to meet the learning society development needs. Although learning organization theory is a new theory in the field of management strongly advocated, but it is a manifestation of the core values in its educational and learning organization philosophy and Chinese traditional culture also has deep origins, learning Organization Theory and Learning Theory class discipline theoretical foundation, value orientation, training objectives, and many other aspects of the blending, construct mutually between the two, the learning is not only a carrier class education and provide students with personalized socialization needed platform to meet the needs of the students home, activities, needs interaction, the need for social recognition and self-development needs, and promote the healthy development of personality of students, improve students’ core competencies; Learning education class is subject, with a sound organizational structure and core classes, can carry out independent education, its purpose is to enable an individual to grow higher quality in the collective, social and corporate training "learning-oriented people."Practice shows that the learning classes Vocational Institute building is a systematic project:Idea One Learning theory must be transformed into a learning class values, update student learning concepts, principles become a learning class design, inside into Students thought to outside into the learning behavior; Second, learning class culture as the creation of a learning class construction development of the learning environment and atmosphere, harmonious classroom teachers and students, life and the relationship between each other, so that the individual feel Collective educational force; thirdly, to create a learning class is inseparable from the appropriate organizational learning mode, team learning is the key to a learning class organizational learning, develop a learning organization pedigree class and create a learning school class management team its organizational guarantee. The only principle of a learning class cadre selection is only applicable amount, depending on the responsibilities and different learning needs of the team, a reasonable selection, appointment for the students as for their duties, so that each student can play and improve their maximum potential; Fourth, we should make good use of the learning organization skills in a systematic way of thinking through the analysis of some strange questions, rethink the organization; the development of creative tension, self-transcendence; of critical reflect on their own thinking some of the basic assumptions in order to get more innovative, more creative ability and efficiency of operations; examine the behavior of each team in the search for solutions to problems in me process, to master teamwork skills and so on. He mastered these skills, learning class construction to go farther and higher. Fifth, the establishment of a learning class is inseparable from the effective operation of its security mechanisms, including class learning mechanism, incentives, assessment mechanisms and evaluation feedback mechanism. By creating a learning evaluation system development class, including the principles, objectives, subject, refers to the various aspects of the ticket system, carriers, etc., to explore the development of a learning class evaluation guarantee mechanism, activating both inside and outside the classroom interactive learning mechanism, establishment of a new class incentives, assessment mechanisms and evaluation feedback mechanism.This study suggests that Vocational School Learning Class construction is a systematic project:Idea One Learning theory must be transformed into a learning class values,update student learning concepts,principles become a learning class design, inside into Students thought to outside into the learning behavior;secondly, to create a learning class is inseparable from the appropriate organizational learning mode, team learning is the key to a learning class organizational learning, develop a learning organization pedigree class and create a learning class management team is a learning organization guarantee class construction.The only principle of a learning class cadre selection is only applicable amount, depending on the responsibilities and different learning needs of the team, a reasonable selection, appointment for the students as for their duties,so that each student can play and improve their maximum potential;Third, learning class culture as the creation of a learning class construction development of the learning environment and atmosphere,harmonious classroom teachers and students, life and the relationship between each other, so that the individual feel the power of collective education;Fourth, be good with a learning organization skills, systems thinking approach to improve the overall quality of the students in the class; the development of self-transcendence,to stimulate the mind of each student class aspirations;critique formula to reflect on their own thinking some of the basic assumptions in order to get more innovative, more creative and efficient ability to act; examine each others’behavior team,in search for solutions to problems in the process, to master teamwork skills,interpersonal interaction in class break habitual defense and so on. He mastered these skills,learning class construction to go farther and higher. Fifth, the establishment of a learning class is inseparable from the effective operation of its security mechanisms,including class learning mechanism,incentives, assessment mechanisms and evaluation feedback mechanism.By creating a learning evaluation system development class,including all aspects of the principles,objectives,subject, index system, carriers, etc., to explore the development of a learning class evaluation guarantee mechanism to activate the mechanism inside and outside the interactive classroom learning, encourage the establishment of new classes mechanisms, assessment mechanisms and evaluation feedback mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Learning organization, Vocational school, Learning class
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