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Joint Ordering And Pricing Policy And Technology Innovation Strategy Under Supply Uncertainty

Posted on:2015-09-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L ZuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1109330428965786Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With products updating rapidly and technology innovation cycle becoming shorter, supply yield and production technology are often uncertain, which increase supply chain risk. Stochastic supply yield influences retailer’s product order and market price decisions, while production technology uncertainty has impact on supplier’s production cost and technology innovation strategy. Besides, supply chain structure also affects supply chain members’ decisions and supply chain performance. Aiming at the risks caused by uncertain supply yield and production technology, this study provides systematical analysis and optimization research on retailer’s joint ordering and pricing policy and supplier’s technology innovation strategy based on different supply chain structure. Specifically, the innovative research work is summarized as follows,Based on a one supplier-one retailer supply chain model, the optimal joint ordering and pricing policy is provided and supplier’s wholesale price is optimized. The differences between joint ordering and pricing policy and market clearance policy are analyzed, and the impact of uncertain supply yield and stochastic market demand on the value of joint ordering and pricing policy as well as supply chain performance is studied.Considering supplier production technology and market demand uncertainty, supplier’s wholesale price and optimal technology innovation strategy are put forward with supplier’s production capacity constraint. A three-stage decision process is raised and the influence of supplier production capacity, uncertain supply and stochastic demand on supply chain performance is analyzed.Based on a two suppliers-one retailer supply chain structure, considering main supplier yield and emergent supplier capacity uncertainty, retailer’s optimal joint ordering and pricing policy is provided using multi-stage game analysis, and the impact of emergent supplier’s uncertain production capacity on retailer’s joint ordering and pricing policy as well as supplier’s wholesale price decision is studied.Considering a supply chain consisting of two suppliers with different initial technology level and one retaile, aiming at uncertainty of supplier production technology and technology investment cost, the competing suppliers’equilibrium technology innovation strategies are put forward, the coordinated supply chain contract is designed and the influence of the uncertainty of supplier technology and investment cost on supplier competition and technology innovation strategy is discussed.Based on a one supplier-two retailers two-stage supply chain structure, considering supplier production technology and market demand uncertainty, a three-stage decision process consisting of technology innovation-resource allocation-joint ordering and pricing is put forward. The competing retailers’ equilibrium joint ordering and pricing policies and supplier’s optimal resource allovation decisions are raised under different technology innovation strategies using Gournot model with constraints. The uncertainty of supplier production technology and market demand on supply chain product quality and supply chain performance is studied.
Keywords/Search Tags:Supply uncertainty, Production technology uncertainty, Joint ordering and pricing, Technology innovation strategy, Supply chain performance, Game theory, Gournot model
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