The most fundamental solution of sustainable development of agriculture is torecycle the existing resources. Namely, it is called circular economy. Thoughts ofcircular agriculture have a long history. Its basic mode is also fully reflected inagricultural development history thousands of years. Although circular economy hasbeen applied in agriculture, but the theoretical research on circular agriculture islimited; the progress of theoretical research on circular economy in China is rapid, butthe research literature on agricultural circular economy is not rich. Previous studieshave many shortcomings, such as the basic theory and research method of mainstreameconomics absorption is not enough; research paradigm innovation is not enough;theoretical research is stuck and confused, which lead to the practice of quick andsimple.This thesis starts from the decisive factor affecting the agricultural economicgrowth, illustrates that technological change plays a decisive role on agriculturaleconomic development, and taking it as the logic starting point of the study, furtherputs forward to upgrade the new mode of technology paradigm of circular agriculturedevelopment.†Four-dimensional†strategy of the upgrade of technology paradigm incircular agriculture has been creatively put forward based on game theory analysis andempirical study, and suggestions on regional development of circular agriculture alsohave been given. The innovative points of this thesis are mainly reflected in thefollowing three aspects:On theoretical research, this thesis takes technological changes as for the logicorigin, and establishes endogenous logic framework of ecological value and a newsystem of technology paradigm on the research of circular agriculture developmentthrough grafting, theory integration and innovation, on the basis of economic growththeory, system theory, ecological economics and philosophy of science andtechnology, the technology paradigm theory into the mainstream economics. Thedevelopment of circular agriculture has been promoted from a simple practice mode toa method system according to the theory of technology paradigm, which laid thefoundation of theoretical height. In the research method, this thesis puts forward to upgrade the new mode oftechnology paradigm of circular agriculture development. And it proposes that thedevelopment of agricultural circular economy needs to upgrade technology paradigmon the basis of the research of economic motivations which transform the paradigm ofagricultural technology. With the help of economic output model, it establishes thepromotion model of technology paradigm in circular agriculture. From the point ofview of farmers, government, enterprise,6game models have been established toupgrade agricultural technology paradigm. Behavior of economic subject whichupgrade the technology paradigm makes game analysis in order to provide the methodand basis of reality for the development of circular agriculture in china.In practice, this thesis creatively puts forward "four-dimensional" strategy andmeasures and suggestions on regional development of circular agriculture. Throughempirical research on the development of circular agriculture in Jiangxiang village inChangshu city, Jiangsu province, we can draw the conclusion that not only theawareness of recycling and the cognitive of technology paradigm of circularagriculture should be strengthened, but also aggregation of multiple industry clusters,community construction of technology paradigm, integration of technical supportsystem are also appreciable. Measures and suggestions to upgrade regional technologyparadigm of circular agriculture are further given to construct orbit of technologyparadigm of circular agriculture.