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A Study On Intrapreneurs And Internal Factors

Posted on:2012-06-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1109330467467541Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The late20th century70, many foreign large companies are facing the competition pressure and low performance troubles. These large companies often have to scale the so-called "big business" disease, such as body bloated, multiple leaders, slow decision-making, exclusion changes, brain drain, etc. How to inject the innovation spirit into large companies, restore the vitality and entrepreneurial passion in small companies times,and strengthen the company’s flexibility and rapid response capability, become a key competitive advantage.of large companies continue to grow and maintain.Since the80s of the20th century, a number of major companies in the United States successfully conducted intrapreneurship which make them resume small-business-like vitality and flexibility and enhancing the innovative capability. Since the90’s, Panasonic, Fujitsu and Taiwan’s Acer Inc. have started intrapreneurship and achieved good results. Practice shows that the intrapreneurship plays an important role in solving large enterprises disease, restoring the vitality of enterprises and the flexibility and attracting and retaining talented people.Intrapreneurship is some entrepreneurial activities based on company’s resources. Since20th century,80’s, the international management academia has begun to pay more attention to the phenomenon of company’s intrapreneurship. since90era,it has become a research field of strategic management and entrepreneurship research. Which factors affecting Intrapreneurship and thereby affecting the company’s performance is the mutual interest of international academic community and industry issues.In the view of the current situation of domestic literature, the research on intrapreneurship has just started, and depth empirical research is still lacking.The dissertation started intrepreneurship research as the following aspects.The first is making up the Intrapreneurship model. This article puts forward the Intrapreneurship theory model in our country based on reviewing the Intrapreneurship model constructed by foreign scholars, I believe that the main factors affecting the Intrapreneurship contain company external environment, internal environment and employees.The Second is the research aim to intrapreneurs. The role and conduct of intrapreneur’s in the company is important, they combined the quality of a number of entrepreneurs and managers. This paper researches commissioned and the agency problem by theIntrapreneurship process with the theory of information economics to. Using information asymmetry the Internal entrepreneur as an agent access may be do something harmful to the interests of the company. to reduce adverse selection of Internal entrepreneurship process, I think staff diploma presented as signaling of the intrapreneurs, so different from the non-internal entrepreneurs; to identify internal entrepreneurs companies can design a variety of contract terms to staff screening. Contract provisions include deferred payment of the proceeds, pay the risk margin, the implementation of seniority wage system. To reduce the moral hazard risk of the intrapreneurs, the paper designs the principal-agent model between the enterprise and the intrapreneurs,the aim is to encourage the intrapreneurs participate in innovative projects and maximize the interests. Studies show that when the intrapreneurs incentives way accordance with investment projects sales and when enterprises and intrapreneurs are risk-neutral, the optimal proportion of the enterprise to the entrepreneurs commission will be1, however, the profits of enterprises is negative at this time. so if the intrapreneur is a risk-neutral, the companies do not hold a positive profit even if adopting incentive-compatible mechanisms.when the intrapreneur is risk averse, the commission to the proportion of intrapreneurs depend on the risk attitude, the marginal cost parameter, and natural disasters.when the intrapreneur is more risk-averse or the higher costs, market risk is greater, the commission given to the proportion of intrapreneurs should be lower. Under the condition of incentives according to the investment projects profit to the commission given to the proportion of intrapreneurs, when enterprises and intrapreneurs are risk-neutral internal, the firm will not find an optimal profit-sharing ratio to encourage the intrapreneurs participation into innovation and innovative efforts.The third is the empirical study on organization environmental factors affecting the intrapreneurial behavior. This paper thinks that the organization environmental factors impacting intrapreneurship is divided into four dimensions, such as management support, incentives, job autonomy and organizational boundaries, and intrapreneurship into three dimensions:innovation, risk taking and the first mobility. By the data analysis of108enterprises in Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta by a total of in, Draw the following conclusions:there is a significant positive correlation between organization internal factors and internal entrepreneurial, there is a significant positive impact between management support and work autonomy in organization internal factors and intrapreneurship. However, there is not significant affection between incentives and organizational border in the organization internal factors and intrapreneurship. These findings and conclusions are quite different of American scholars.The fourth is case studies. According to the degree of the company supporting intrapreneurship, the intrapreneurship is divided into following types:cooperative development mode, the intrapreneurship fund mode, incubator model, free innovation model, new business development model. Based on this, the article analysis the characteristics of each model by case of domestic and international firms intrapreneurship, and analyzed the success experience of intrapreneurship about3M Company in the United States within and the lessons of intrapreneurship about Huawei in our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:intrapreneurship, internal environment, principal-agent, informationasymmetry, incentive model
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