In the field of service marketing, scholars researched the relationship of service quality, customer satisfaction and behavioral intention as a focus subject, and conducted a lot of achievements in these years. The traditional artificial service mode has been unable to meet the realistic demand because of the contradiction between the service requirement of customers in quantity and quality and the pressure of scale expansion and artificial cost of service enterprises. With the development of information technologies,self-service technologies(SSTs) have been widely used. More and more enterprises have become multi-channel service providers with artificial service channel and self-service channel. In multi-channel situation, the focus of a enterprise service is channel migration,which making consumers use self-service continuously from artificial service.However, which dimensions of self-service quality play an important role to channel migration? According to customer behavior theories, consumers’ emotion play a mediating role between perception quality and behavior decision, whether customer satisfaction to self-service quality can drive channel migration? In the promotion of self-service, enterprises often launch a series of promotion strategies to stimulate consumers to use it, and whether these strategies will accelerate channel migration?These matters are necessary to carry out further explorations and researches.The study researched the effect mechanism and the influence degree between self-service quality and channel migration,including the the mediation effect of customer satisfaction and regulation effect of promotion strategy, based on the background of multi-channel and the integrated marketing perspective of enterprises, combined with the actual application of self-service. The research applied research methods such as literature analysis, questionnaire investigation and empirical analysis, as well as carried out an data survey to 1052 self-service user. Finally, the study adopted an data analysis by statistical software to examined research hypotheses and conducted the conclusion.The research mainly included steps as follows:At first, the study conducted a comprehensive review of literature by domestic and overseas scholars and carried out a lot of interviews with experts and consumers. Onthese basis, the study confirm four major variables, which taking self-service quality as a independent variable, taking channel migration as a dependent variable, taking customer satisfaction as a intermediary variable, and taking promotion strategies as a regulation variable. Then the study constructed a theoretical model which self-service quality effect on channel migration, and proposed research hypotheses.Secondly, the author refereed mature measurement scales of variables at home and abroad to design the questionnaire. Then the author investigated consumers who had use self-service by questionnaires to require data.Finally, the author did statistics analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis to test research hypotheses, and discussed the discrepancies with research hypotheses. Then the author put forward suggestions and recommendations of management for service enterprises. At last, the author pointed out the limitations of the study and the future research directions.Compared with previous studies, the study has innovation points as follows:At first, the study researched the relationship of service quality perception, customer satisfaction and behavior intention under the background of multi-channel, and extended the research situation of the single entity service channel.Secondly, most present self-service researches discuss influence factors of the adoption of self-service directly from the perspective of consumers. They ignored the influence mechanism of self-service to consumer behavior and didn’t pay attention the role of consumer emotion at the same time. This study take self-service quality as the independent variable to analysis it’s impact detailedly and analysis the mediation effect of customer satisfaction to rich the adoption research of self-service.Finally, the present study take self-service as a single object basically, but didn’t pay attention to promotion strategies of enterprises in the process of self-service promotion.The study analysis the regulating effect of promotion strategies to perfect the mechanism of the self-service channel migration.The study found the conclusion by research as follows:Self-service quality has positive effect on customer satisfaction and two dimensions of channel migration such as the habitual use and the word-of-mouth recommendation,but hasn’t significant relation with the willingness to pay. Customer satisfaction hasremarkable intermediary effect on the relationship between self-service quality and channel migration. Promotion strategies have positive regulating effect on the relationship between self-service quality and customer satisfaction, as well as the relationship between self-service quality and channel migration. The author put forward suggestion which can increase the degree of customer satisfaction and drive channel migration based on above conclusions by improving self-service quality and taking promotion tactic. |