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Study Of TEHV Construction: Coating Human ECM Onto Decellularized Porcine Heart Valve Scaffold

Posted on:2010-01-27Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Z LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: To identify porcine ECM's immunogenicity and to construct TEHV in vitro coated with human ECM. Methods: (1) Looking for the variability between porcine and human main ECM protein. (2) Preparation of monoclonal antibodies against porcine or human IV collagen antigen. (3) Immunohistochemical methods to testify ECM's immunogenicity. (4) Construction of TEHV in vitro. Results: The differential gene serial in IV collagen protein was found out by bioinformatics method. Monoclonal antibodies were produced by human-mouse hybridoma technique. TEHV being coated human ECM was constructed successfully. There really exists residual porcine ECM on porcine heart valve leaflet. Human ECM could adhere on porcine valve scaffold. Conclusions: There really exists residual porcine ECM on porcine heart valve leaflet. We can detect the adhesive effect of human ECM on TEHV.
Keywords/Search Tags:tissue engineering heart valve (TEHV), extracellular matrix (ECM), immunogenicity, adhesion
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