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Rhetoric Concerning The Aesthetic Features Of Literary Language

Posted on:2004-10-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J LeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360095962675Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rhetoric Concerning the Aesthetic Features of Literary Language In this paper we employ the theories and ways on linguistics, aesthetics, the anthropology, philosophy, psychology, logic to research rhetoric. We combine together with the methods, and break through the literature language with the linguistics, resolve the literature problems with the linguistics theories. And employing the aesthetics ways to resolve the language problem, and regarding language as the basis, foot in the rhetoric's position, view from two dimensions between forming and accepting. Then, we systematically studied the literary language, especially poetic language aesthetics' feature on speech strategy. The thesis bring out an all new theories' system on literature language, and having the bigger value to employ language.In the chapter 1 , we gave an general introductions on our researching objection. First, we discussed the research object and its meaning .At the same time, reviewing the concerning achievement on literature language aesthetics characteristic 'study , and bring out the research principle, method, basic way of thinking and data source of that study, and so on.Chapter 2 , we studied the strategy of rhythm on literary language. From the different level of the literary language , such as word, phrase, sentence, text. And then, we appreciated that with the latest research result.Chapter 3 , we studied the aesthetic image in literary language. With the rhetoric methods ,dealing with literature idea to study the objection . And draw conclusions from the alike theories within cognitive science. We point out the parable ideas in basic way to know something on worlds concerning literary language.Chapter 4 , we studied the vagueness language's forming strategy. We study the rhetoric methods which seems unreasonable . At the same time, we discussed on the value of omission in logical meaning of the words in literary language.
Keywords/Search Tags:Literary language, Rhythm, Image, Vagueness, Priority of signifier Classification :H15
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