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A Multivariate Perspective On CMH Hypothesis

Posted on:2006-03-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360155460672Subject:English Language and Literature
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The relationship between text and context has been one of the major concerns of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). It is reified as the Context Metafunction Hook-up Hypothesis (CMH Hypothesis). Although the theory is valid, it is descriptively inadequate to a certain extent. The present study aims to amend CMH Hypothesis by presenting the multivariate relationships between contextual variables and language metafunctions. It is propounded that each contextual variable, by means of interacting with the others, determines, or is construed by, not merely the corresponding metafunction as was suggested by CMH Hypothesis, but the other metafunctions as well. Specifically, this research, on the basis of validating the general tenets of CMH Hypothesis, further investigates the systematic interactions between the contextual variables and the multivariate relations of each variable with the language metafunctions, which are in turn manifested by linguistic choices. The study results in a revised model of CMH Hypothesis: the Contextual-Configuration Metafunction Hook-up Hypothesis (CCMH Hypothesis).The present dissertation comprises seven chapters. Chapter One introduces the theoretical backgrounds, the objectives and the organization of the dissertation. Chapter Two contrasts the notion of context in SFL with those in other branches of linguistics for the theoretical positioning of the key construct in SFL, viz. context of situation. In Chapter Three, language metafunctions in SFL and their realizations are discussed against the background of other views of language function.The new model has been established on the argument for the validity and the descriptive inadequacy of the theory. Chapter Four verifies the validity of the hypothesis by confirming the associations between the contextual variable and the metafunction predicted by the theory, with the two sides as independent variables. It is also argued in Chapter Four, however, that CMH Hypothesis seems descriptively inadequate. It only captures part of the relationships between contextual variables and metafunctional choices in language. Hence the necessity of the amendment of the theory.Chapter Five presents a thorough discussion of the interactions between contextual variables. The impact of field upon tenor is three fold. Firstly, the subject matter has been found to influence the tenor of discourse. A change in the subject matter is likely to cause emotional and attitudinal changes in the participants and reduce the social distance between the two speakers. Secondly, arena impacts on the choices in tenor in that social institutionalization determines the choice of role relationships between the speakers and that the arena continuum has a decisive influence upon the positioning along the power continuum and along the affective involvement continuum. Finally, the impact of semantic domain upon tenor is manifested with respect to the affective involvement. Specialized discourse is typically associated with low degree of affective involvement in contrast with the non-specialized discourse which is usually associated with relatively high degree of affective involvement.The impact of field upon mode is discussed from three perspectives. First of all, the nature of the subject matter imposes constraints upon the selections in the category of mode. Secondly, the arena of social activities has a certain influence upon the selection of the communication media. The more institutionalized the social activity, the greater the possibility of employing the written medium. Finally, the impact of semantic domain upon mode is manifested in the influence of specialization on the selections along the spontaneity continuum and the semiotic role continuum. The degree of specialization tends to be negatively associated with the degree of spontaneity and positively with the degree of reflexivity of genre.The impact of tenor upon field is found in three aspects. Firstly, the constraints imposed on the selection of subject matters by tenor are reflected not only in the general tendency that the smaller the social distance between the speakers, the larger the range of the subject matters to choose from, but also in the observation that the subject matter must be appropriate in accordance with the social distance between the speakers. Secondly, the index along the power continuum has a noticeable impact upon the range of subject matters and the degree of specialization of the subject matter. Finally, the affective involvement also influences the selection of the subject matter.The impact of tenor upon mode is explored from two perspectives. For one thing, the emotional states of the speakers and their attitudes to each other have an effect on the selection of the medium and the channel of communication. For another, the social distance influences the selections in the category of mode, the communicative media in particular. The larger the social distance between the speakers, the greater the possibility of employing the written medium.The impact of mode on field is discussed with the three elements of mode. Firstly, the impact of the semiotic role of text is reflected in the fact that genre can be employed to mold the social meanings in particular ways as intended by the language users. Secondly, the presence or the absence of immediate feedback has an influence on the field of discourse. Finally, the counteraction of mode on field also finds an expression in that the selection of the communicative media and channels plays an active role in shaping the ideational meaning.The impact of mode upon tenor is also discovered. For one thing, it has been found in the influence of spontaneity on the relationship between the participants. For another, the impact of genre upon tenor is manifested in that the tampering of the generic structure of a text affects the tenor of discourse.Chapter Six further explores the multivariate relationship between a contextual variable and the choices in the other two metafunctions in addition to the one predicted by CMH Hypothesis. It is found that although a contextual variable prescribes the gamut of potential corresponding metafunctional choices as CMH Hypothesis suggested, the actualized choices from the gamut are largely determined by the other contextual variables.The impact of the field of discourse upon interpersonal choices is found in its actualization of the choice of vocatives, code-switching, mood and modality. Firstly, choices of vocatives and mood structures vary with arena. Secondly, in bilingual or multilingual communities code-switching occurs when the speakers move from one type of social activity to another. Finally, the subject matter as well as the semantic domain determines the speaker's accountability for the truth of what he says, which is expressed by choices in modality, and the actualized interpretation of modalitychoices.The field of discourse is also found to actualize textual choices, particularly Thematic and nominalization choices. The semantic domain shapes the actualized choice in the thematic structure. Specialized discourse tends to contain multiple themes that are devoid of interpersonal elements whereas interpersonal elements are not rare in the multiple Theme in non-specialized discourse. The sub-variable also determines the actualized choice of nominalization. Discourse positioned toward the specialized end heavily employs nominalization, whereas non-specialized discourse has less need for nominalization than specialized discourse does.The tenor of discourse is found to actualize ideational choices. The selection of the process per se from the whole range of the potential is very so often inspired by the social distance between the speakers and the affective involvement. The affective involvement also impacts on the actualized choices of the participants and the circumstances of the process from the potential.This contextual variable also motivates the actualized choices in the textual metafunction. It has been found that the actualization of nominalization in discourse is again determined by the value of power and that the affective involvement and the social distance actualize the choices of interpersonal themes of the Multiple Theme.The mode of discourse is found to actualize the ideational choices from the gamut of the potential. Of the elements of mode, spontaneity and the semiotic role of text both impact on the actualization of ideational choices in that they shape the choices of words and expressions which serve as the process per se, the participants and the circumstances.Finally, the mode of discourse is found to impact on the actualization of interpersonal choices, the gamut of which though is set by the tenor. The choice along the spontaneity continuum shapes the actual choices in the mood structure. The planned/written discourse and the spontaneous/spoken discourse are distinct in the employment of what is called the "expedient mood structures" of interrogatives. The value along the spontaneity dimension also impacts on the actualized choice of what is called the "partial mood structure". Only in spontaneous discourse is the "partial...
Keywords/Search Tags:context of situation, metafunction, contextual variable, interaction
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