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On The Ethic Thoughts Of Quran

Posted on:2007-01-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Q GuFull Text:PDF
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Islamic civilization, which is one of the greatest cultures in the human history, has great impact on the social life in today. The Quran is the basic classic of Islam, the ethical thoughts embodied in which are one important part of Islamic civilization. The investigation of them not only gives us better knowledge of the characteristics of Islamic culture, but also provides a basis for the religious dialogue and consequent zoology of diversified cultures.The conception of Allah is the most important in the ethical thoughts of Islam. Allah gives Man a free will, which makes the moral act possible. The ethic of Islam enables man to realize the ideal situation of happiness and ensure the ethical consequence of the good action by the causal law of comeuppance.The ethical thoughts in the Quran base the ethical behavior on the belief in Allah. Only the motive from the belief, with the fulfillment of religious duty and persistent welldoing, can cultivate the ideal personality of the firm belief in Allah, upright self and sense of responsibility. Islam insists on the theory of life which emphasizes the importance of both worldly life and eternity. It claims that vocation, purity and knowledge are three crucial parts of life. The ethical thoughts in the Ouran point out that marriage is the positive vocation of Muslim, and demand the members of a family fulfill their duty to keep the stability and harmony. Umma is a corporation of Muslim which is established through the Islamic belief. In Umma, Muslim are equal and fraternal brothers, whose ideal is to realize the great harmony of the world. According to Islam, human and nature are both created by Allah. Allah is the owner of everything and man is just the representative of Allah in the earth. Consequently, man's behavior is under obligation, although he achieves subjective status in the earth.The ethical thoughts in the Quran are characterized by the supremacy of the belief, secularity, humanity and stability. The motif of the thoughts is to lead human to a good life and realize the harmony and happiness of worldly and otherworldly life, individual and society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Islam, Quran, The ethical thoughts, The ethical character
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