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Cultural Heritage, Conscious, Interaction And Dialogue

Posted on:2011-05-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M WeiFull Text:PDF
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In today's world, the biggest issue for China's academic circle and Chinese society is the postmodern reflection and reassessment of the Western Pattern of modernization and development mode. The essence of this reflection and reassessment is to realize a cultural consciousness with a goal of achieving an understanding of the "self-culture" in light of "the others'", so as to generate an exploration for a new way of cultural communication and introspection. In terms of China, this means to lead China toward the direction of ecological, social, cultural and political rebuilding for a more harmonious and more sustainable societyThis dissertation, "Realizing Ethnic Cultural Revitalization in the Process of Consciousness, Interaction and Inheritance-a Case of Mongolizing Confucianism in the Jusutu Prefecture, Inner Mongolia" re-exams the process of communication and achievement of the Mongolian and the Han nationalities'cultures in light of a new view paradigm, namely, the paradigm of cultural ecology by way of .inter-subjective conversation and negotiation.Based on the hypothesis of human universality, this dissertation traces the cross cultural communication between the Mongol and the Han in terms of mutual Influences of the Mongolian ecological cultural philosophy and Confucianism with a result of the Mongolianization of Confucianism in the ethnic minority areas. It is intended to verify the fact that all cultures has their advantages and disadvantages in adaptation to the changing world. Therefore, the moral is to respect and learn from each other in contact. Although the historical experiences are different, the human nature and human need is universal. There are five chapters in this dissertation with the following main contents:Chapter 1 as a general introduction gives an holistic picture of the work:including the aims, significance, reviews, theory, methodology and process, etc.Chapter 2 introduces and describes Confucianism and Mongolian Cultural philosophy in light of their ecological basis. It explains that Chinese nation is a multi-ethnic assemblage sharing plural cultures and civilizations through history, and it has the common experienced of modernization. This convergence of interactions of co-existing cultures with different little traditions is summarized by Professor Fei Xiaotong, a famous anthropologist and sociologist into a structure of diversity in unity. Based on this viewpoint, the universal value of both Confucianism and Mongolian ecological and cultural philosophy is proposed and put into a concrete demonstration.Chapter 3 elaborates the historical process of dissemination of Confucianism into the Mongolian region and the cultural exchange and interaction between the two subjects. It shows that the origins of both cultures against the diversified Chinese ecological and cultural background have been enriching Chinese cultural. The issue of two-way choice in cultural interaction is exposed and put into a concrete analysis.Chapter 4 investigates the case of the Mongolianization of Confucianism in the Jusutu Prefecture, Inner Mongolia to prove the fact that Mongolian Culture has its own great potentials. This potential is fully displayed in history.The last chapter probes into the theme of cultural consciousness and open identification in the era of globalization. The author proposed a new paradigm of cultural ecology with the equity of ethnic cultural inheritance as the baseline. It is in the process of cultural consciousness, interactivity and inheritance that Chinese National Cultural can achieve it sustainable development together with the diversified ethnic minority cultures and civilizations. It is the author's proposal that this pattern can be extended to a wide area contexts, especially among the Tibetans and Uyghurs adjacent with the Mongols and Inner Mongolia.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mongolianization of Confucianism, Diversity in Unity, Cultural Consciousness, cultural ecology
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