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A Study On The Approaches To The Full Employment In China At The Beginning Of The 21~(st) Century

Posted on:2002-10-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360032957160Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The full employment is an extrusive problem in the world today. The governments of all the countries take the full employment for the basic goal of national social and economic development. China has an abundant resource in labor. It is obvious that in china the supply of labor greatly surpasses the demand of labor, so how to deal with the employment problem is the second important task for china.By taking full employment for a leading analytic clue, this article uses synthetically the dialectic normative and demonstrable methods to make a deep discussion on the connotation of the full employment, as well as the principal factors that influencing it and the main paths that realizing it. The chapter one is preface. The chapter two has generalized the western Hesperian Theories of the Employment as well as its new development, epitomized Marxism's theories of employment, and evaluated the Chinese theories about the employment problem ever since the reform and open policy has been implemented hi china, thus established the theoretical basis of research direction and research methods for this article. By using basic principles of modem economics the chapter three tries to clarify the mechanism of supply and demand of full employment, and then put forward the development strategy of" employment-preceding other problem ", therefore to lay a theoretic foundation for the analysis in hinder part of this article. Chapter four to chapter eleven have made a further theoretical analysis respectively on the economical growth, labor-market, investment of human capital, institutional changes, transfer of agricultural labor, progress of science and technology, foreign trade, development of middle and small enterprises and so on ,with relationships between them and the full employment ,which linked with demonstration research, so to provide the resolutions for realizing full employment According to the previous analyses, the chapter twelve has given a summary as well as some basic conclusions and policy suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:full emPloyment, economic growth, Iabor market, basic approaches
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