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Research On The System Of Standards For Fresh And Processed Fruits And Vegetables

Posted on:2005-05-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360122995532Subject:Vegetable science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There are currently many standards at present, but some are repetitive, not consistent or even conflicting. There are fewer quality factors in quality standards The standards lack quantitative descriptions for quality factors. Even where an index of quality factors exists, the index is too inflexible to be practical. These standards are seldom used because they are difficult to use. The development of such standards are not only an inefficient use of financial and human resources but they also cause confusion and bewilderment for the users. The standard system for fresh and processed fruit and vegetables is inadequate in terms of grading of raw material and products. This retards the inspection and certification of raw material and products. The current system of standards for packaging, storage, and transport of products cannot meet the need of production, circulation and exchange.This dissertation puts forward an improved framework for food safety standards in China. The framework was developed through the analyses of current standards for fresh and processed fruit and vegetables and the application of basic principles of standardization using risk analysis. The new food safety standards proposed by this research is based on a mixture of voluntary compliance, regulation, inspection and a conformity certification system. The application of the new standards will be critical to China's ability to be competitive in international markets and trade. The new standards recommend that the current compulsory standards based on four layers (national, departmental or industrial, local and enterprise standards) be reduced to three layers. In this new scheme, the local system of standards is eliminated gradually. Under the guiding principle of food systems analysis, (i.e., from "farm to table"), this research shows that some of the national, departmental and enterprise standards for fresh and processed fruit and vegetables need to be established and some need to be revised.The implementation of the standard system requires systematic engineering. We need not only strengthen the current regulation system, but also promote inspection , certification, and the usage of SPS measures, especially related to food safety risk analysis strategies to improve food safety standards must include periodic evaluations according to scientific principles. Only in this way will we be able to reduce repetition and discrepancies. There is an urgent need to create databases that can be used for risk analysis and for sharing and communicating information that can be used to build a viable food safety standard system. We need to develop total diet study that monitor contamination, and can be used to validate test methods. The agencies responsible for risk analysis and communication should strengthen cooperation to avoid the waste of resources. It's important to study and implement the international standards and those of the exported countries we wish to export to. We need to pay more attention to the building of food inspection system and their administration, strengthen research, and develop methods for the establishment, monitoring and evaluation of the standard system.The research provides guidance in the management of the new standard system. The implementation of the proposed standard system fills voids in the current standard system.. The evaluation programme (scheme) of the agricultural standards put them in order put forth by this research has been issued to related departments.
Keywords/Search Tags:fruit and vegetables, processed, standard system, standard, implementation.
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