This task is mainly about the relation and function mechanism of the sustainable development and the fiscal policy. Combining the finance theory, it reviews the evolvement and development of our country's fiscal policy. And it summarizes the effect, problems and obstacle in the implement process of these policies. It uses computation tools to evaluate whether implementing positive fiscal policy has risk and whether it is sustainable. On this basic, it bring forward advice for the trend of our country's fiscal policy in the near future and the strategy choice of risk control through comparing analysis of using fiscal policy in the western countries.The studying frame and primary content are as follows: I Theory studyingThe first chapter firstly ascends the root of sustainable development. It introduces the resource scarce theory of classical economics and efficiency using theory of new classical economics. Secondly, it introduces the form and development course of sustainable development latter-day. Lastly, it defines sustainable development from different angle, educes the basic fundamental of sustainable development and the function of sustainable development. The second chapter summarizes the theory studying actuality of our country's sustainable development view. And it summarizes the character of our country's studying, namely paying attention to the implement and application of sustainable development strategy. At the same time, this chapter discusses the relation of economic development and economic sustainable development. It also discusses currently the character of implementing the positive fiscal policy. The third chapter reviews western fiscal policy theory development at the present age. It also defines the conception of fiscal policy and explains the relation of fiscal policy and finance measure and the relation of finance police and macro adjustment and control. The fourth chapter firstly gives prominence to the importance of fiscal policy to sustainable development and elicited the conclusion of consistency of finance devotion and sustainable development. Secondly,it analyses the domino effect of fiscal policy to sustainable development. These four chapters are theory studying. They contain economic development theory, population theory, zoology theory, market theory and finance theory. And they conclude and appraise these theories from different angle.II The history and realism study of China fiscal policyTo the evolvement and development of China's fiscal policy, we use qualitative analysis through three phases and summarize the primary content, effect, and character of fiscal policy of each phase.This part explains the positive fiscal policy practice in China through a few parts:First, it summarizes seven background factors of using positive policy. They are descending of money supply, decelerating of economic growth, bad effect of monetary policy, expanding of basic construction and answering the impact of Asia finance crisis.Second, it divides the implement process of fiscal policy into four phases and summarizes the primary content and character of each phase.Third, it analyses the domino offect of the policy implement, including the criterion analysis of the policy implementing effect and the positive analysis of squeeze out effect and multiplier effect. We believe that during six years implement the positive fiscal policy accelerated economic growth, strengthened the basic establishment, held out the reform of state company, promoted social security project quickened industry upgrading, confirmed agriculture status and improved people's standard of living.Fourth, it explains the problems and obstacle during the implementing of policy. We believe that too much national debt investment is not good to the perfection of market economy and if the policy is implemented for a long time, it may lead to inflation.Fifth, it analyses finance risk by using index, and elicits the conclusion that finance risk symptom is presented. Then it brings forward the advice as follows: incre... |