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Northern Song Dynasty Benevolence Thought

Posted on:2011-09-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Z ZhengFull Text:PDF
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This paper focuses on the song era of "REN Theory ", however, from historicity and logicality of change in thoughts, we need to make a trace of work for pre-qin era of "REN" theory.We hold original meaning of "REN" derive from the etiquette of Yin-Zhou dynasties. This etiquette is the symbol of human civilization, and fundamental principle of the social management and operation.Confucius develops the intension of "REN" theory. He on one hand endows "REN" with "general thoughts on human psychological fators", on the other hand inherites the institutional connotation of "REN"."REN and LI" as contradictory unity, in change of social history, shows the ideal of "unity" and reality of "paradox". The former is the internal saints of " nature of mind ",and main interpreters are the school of Zi Si and Mencius;the latter is the external kings of "attention etiquette",and main here is Xun Zi.Tang and song dynasties, the changes of Chinese society has lead to academic thought forms a new challenge:firstly, in the academic aspects, ontology idea and human nature theory of Buddhism and Taoism forms challenge for the development of confucianism; the second, the strengthen of centralization is political project of the reconstruction of Confucianism.Therefore, "REN" of "general thoughts on human psychological fators" has to move over metaphysical" REN". From the main explanation of Confucianism in song dynasty of "REN", "Born" can be established the reality of "REN", because "Born" is the premise of all that existence. And "REN" of heavenly principle can integrative cosmic, nature of mind and moral, and is the spirit of unity strength of social integration.It is based on the academic and political demands, there is a group of scholars those emphatically explain "REN" scholar in the northern song dynasty, for example Fan Zhongyan, Hu Yuan, Li Gou, Wang Anshi, Zhou Dunyi, Zhang Zai, Chen Yi and Chen Hao.Studing of their immaterialism change of "REN" thoughts, we will can clearly understand those thinkers spiritual course of academic construction thought "internal saints and external kings".
Keywords/Search Tags:REN, Pre-Qin, Northern Song Dynasty, Psycholoical Factors, Metaphysics
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