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Anonymous Shadow Winding: Ideology And Education

Posted on:2007-02-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360185477386Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The relationship between ideology and Chinese pedagogy has increasingly come into a particular prominence for the sake of the development of the latter. This issue has remained unsettled since the 20th century but, however, is still intriguing the interests of many researchers.It is more interdisciplinary, dealing with matters both within and outside of the field study than simply talking about the external factors beyond the discipline. Therefore, it is more a jungle issue of intricacy than a simple one of monotony. The complexity of the contextual history of ideology and the adversity undergone along with the history of Chinese pedagogy makes it a must-do for the paradigm of approaching this issue to be shifted from a "contradictory" one, which negatively holds that ideology controls or fetters the other part of the relationship, to a "intergrowth" one, which suggests, in a descriptive manner, that it is inevitable for ideology to have somewhat influence on the study of pedagogy in this or that fashion and at the same time the latter should keep a critical eye on the former. Such retrospective research into the issue will stay a significant, valuable domain for the study of Chinese pedagogy for a long time.Pedagogy has always been caught in the dilemma of being influenced by ideology when it comes to the perfection of the research methodology, the autonomy of the discipline and the pursuit for a creative theory, etc. It is widely acknowledged that pedagogy should be put on a scientific approach. Nevertheless, interpretations as to the connotation of the notion of "being scientific" diverge, among which one of the popular one is to achieve the goal by means of empirical study, which, of course, is completely the product of the natural science-directed paradigm of thinking. The social and humanistic traits that are intrinsic to pedagogy should not be ignored. Otherwise, not only will the vicious influence imposed on the field by political ideology not be cleared, but also the researchers will be ultimately trapped mentally into some western theories. Chinese pedagogy's independence of ideology and the positive creation could complement each other. Without necessary recognition of the game-fashioned survival of the pedagogic thoughts against multi-factors from social ideology and without liberation from the restriction of the textbook-like research, the pursued so-called independence of the study will be meaningless, lifeless in a split world with pedagogic thoughts alienated from the academy. Pedagogy and the corresponding research have to be faced with the acceptability of ideology.A fine balance should be kept when it comes to the position of theoretical pedagogy issues between "being scientific" and "being ideological". And the relationship between ideology and Chinese pedagogy has to be re-examined within such constellation and thereby make as logical justification as possible in line with the laws of the discipline.
Keywords/Search Tags:A jungle issue, Ideology, Pedagogy, Intergrowth paradigm, Constellation
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